Opinto-oppaat 2017–2018
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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2017–2019
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
Specialization in Cell Technology


After completing the programme, the students have:
- comprehensive understanding of the theoretical basis of cell and tissue technology
- expertise in the scientific methods and their application in the field of cell technology
- the ability to interpret cellular level information
- good written and oral communication skills and an ability for multidisciplinary scientific interaction
- the ability work as an academic expert in one's own field of expertise
- the capability to undertake scientific postgraduate and research training


The two-year MPD in Biomedical Technology is taught entirely in English and comprises 120 ECTS credits. The curriculum consists of general studies, advanced studies and free choice studies. The cell technology specialization option includes compulsory studies focusing on providing a broad understanding on the structure and function of cells and tissues. Through optional studies, the students are able to expand their knowledge towards specific areas of cell technology.

The teaching methods include both theoretical courses and practical laboratory work. The education is provided in close connection with the research taking place in various research groups at the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences. For the Master?s Thesis every student completes an individual research project of 40 ECTS. Part of the studies may be completed in other universities, for example through the ERASMUS-exchange program.

The degree provides the student with skills that can be utilized in various positions as an academic expert, for example in research and development either in Finland or abroad. The students may also choose to continue their studies towards a doctoral degree.

Kuuluu kokonaisuuksiin

Lääketieteen ja biotieteiden tiedekunta
avaa kaikki

Specialization in Cell Technology

Advanced studies in cell technology 71–73 op
All the elements to be completed
BTK4400 Tissue Biology, 6 op
BTK4660 Cell Technology, 4 op
BTK4665 Embryology, 4 ECTS
BIO4661 Statistics, 3–5 op
BTK4030 Thesis seminar, 2 op
BTK4031 M.Sc. Thesis, 40 op
Optional Studies 35–48 op
The following list provides examples of available courses.
Free-choice studies 0–50 op
The following list provides examples of available courses.
Lääketieteen ja biotieteiden tiedekunta