Opinto-oppaat 2015–2016
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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
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Specialization in Development of Interactive Software (2013-2015)

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the specialization in Development of Interactive Software the student
- knows the software architectures used for implementing user interfaces,
- can apply software development techniques to implement new interaction techniques in products and services, and
- understands the strengths and limitations of the constructive research method in HTI.

See also the general learning outcomes of the Master's Degree and Master's Degree Programme in Human-Technology Interaction.


1. General Studies 6-17 cr
2. Core Module in HTI 20 cr
- TIEVS80 Psychology of Pervasive Computing (TUT/IHTE), 5 op
- TIEVS79 Multimodal Interaction, 5 op
- TIEVS67 User Experience: Design and Evaluation (TUT/IHTE), 5 op
- TIEVS66 Human-Centered Product Development (TUT/IHTE), 5 op

3. Specialization-specific Advanced Studies in Development of Interactive Software 20 cr
- TIEVS59 Information Visualization, 5 op
- TIEVS60 Interaction Techniques, 5–10 op
- TIEVS61 Pervasive Interaction in Smart Environments, 5–10 op
- TIEVS56 Haptic User Interfaces, 5–10 op

4. Master's Thesis 40 cr

5. Complementing and optional studies 23-34 cr


If the student has not taken these or equivalent studies in the previous degree, the studies must be taken as complementing studies. The requirements are defined for each student on the Personal Study Plan.

• TIEVA31 Principles of Programming Graphical User Interfaces
• TIETA6 Data Structures
• TIETA11 Programming Technique C++
• TIEA4 Project Work or SISYA200 Innovation Project

Preceding studies

Preceding studies
Additional information on preceding studies

TIEA4 Project Work or SISYA200 Innovation Project.

Belongs to following modules

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Specialization in Development of Interactive Software (2013-2015)

General Studies in Master's Degree Programmes given in English 2013-2015 6–17 ECTS
General studies in the Master's degree programmes given in English are different depending on the student's educational background.
SISYY006 Orientation, 2 ECTS
KKSU1 Elementary Course 1, 3 ECTS
KKENMP3 Scientific Writing, 5 ECTS
YKYYKV1 Finnish Society and Culture, 1–5 ECTS
2-4. Advanced Studies in Development of Interactive Software (2013-2015) 80 ECTS
Advanced studies totalling 80 ects. If core module studies are less that 20 ects, the difference can be compensated with the specialization-specific advanced studies.
2. Core Module in HTI (2013-2015) 20 ECTS
Course TIEVS80 can be compensated by old course TIEVS57 Human Information-Processing and Interactive Technology
5.Optional studies in the Specialization in Development of Interactive Software(2013-2015) 23–34 ECTS
Complementing studies from the prerequisites part above or from the list of advanced studies or other studies as agreed with programme study advisor. Recommended studies are listed below:
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