Opinto-oppaat 2014–2015
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Arkistoitu opetussuunnitelma 2012–2015
Selaamasi opetussuunnitelma ei ole enää voimassa. Tarkista tiedot voimassa olevasta opetussuunnitelmasta.
Specialization in Interaction Design and Research (2012-2013)

Learning outcomes

Upon completion of the specialization in Interaction Design and Research the student
- knows the central themes in past and present interaction techniques,
- knows the theoretical foundations of human-technology interaction,
- can choose and apply appropriate research methods in evaluating interaction techniques, interaction design, and user interfaces.

See also the general learning outcomes of the Master's Degree and Master's Degree Programme in Human-Technology Interaction.


1. General studies 3-15 cr
2. Core Module in HTI 15 cr
3. Interaction Design and Research Advanced Courses 25 cr
4. Master's Thesis 40 cr
5. Optional studies 25 -37 cr.


If the students have not taken these or equivalent studies in the previous degree, the studies must be taken as complementing studies.

• TIEP1 High Level Programming
• TIETA9 Introduction to WWW techniques
• TIEVA36 Principles of Usability, User Experience, and User Interfaces
• TIEVA30 Methods of Usability Engineering
• TIEA4 Project Work or SISYA002 Innovation Project

Belongs to following modules

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Specialization in Interaction Design and Research (2012-2013)

1. General studies 3–15 ECTS
Some of these studies are not required from students with B.Sc. degree in UTA, see detailed instructions
2.-4. Advanced Studies in Interaction Design and Research 80 ECTS
3. Advanced Courses in Interaction Design and Research 25 ECTS
Compulsory: Research Methods in HTI and one of these: User Experience: Evaluation and Design (TUT/IHTE) or Experimental Research in Interactive Technology
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