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Archived Curricula Guide 2007–2009
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North American Studies


North American Studies (NAM)

The North American Studies (NAM) program explores the societies and cultures of the United States, Canada and Mexico from an interdisciplinary and multimethodological perspective that includes history, literature, language, sociology, political science, environmental studies, intercultural business studies, mass communication, and women's studies, among others. North America wields enormous cultural, economic, and political influence in the contemporary world. Just as importantly, interdisciplinary and multimethodological approaches employed in North American Studies promote critical thinking and cross-cultural comparisons of societies and cultures in a global context.

North American Studies can be included in various Master's degrees at the University of Tampere, as the program can be built around the students' needs and interests. The NAM program is especially suited to students planning a career in teaching, research, intercultural business and/or international organizations. Furthermore, it is particularly useful for students planning to write their master's thesis or doctoral dissertation on a North American topic.

The NAM program offers three levels of studies:

The Basic Studies level (25 ECTS credits) offers introductory courses and surveys on different fields within North American Studies.

The Subject Studies level (35 ECTS credits) offers special courses and seminars where students have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with various interdisciplinary approaches and to write research papers. North American Studies credits earned at foreign universities are transferable in subject studies under a separate agreement.

Those aiming for in-depth understanding of interdisciplinary North American studies can start Advanced Studies level (40-80 ECTS credits) in fall 2007. The advanced studies will include thematic research group, seminars, set books and writing theses. Before taking the seminar offered on advanced level, please contact the program coordinator.

Before beginning North American Studies, students are advised to contact the program coordinator for North American Studies and to subscribe to the mailing list nam-students(at)uta.fi. The North American Studies office is situated in the University Pinni B Building, Kanslerinrinne 1, Room Pinni B 2093; tel. 03 - 3551 7154, fax. 03 - 3551 6980, e-mail: NorthAmericanStudies(at)uta.fi. For more information visit http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/historia/sivut/english/nam/nam.htm.

Department of History and Philosophy