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Archived Curricula Guide 2009–2011
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English Philology

Content and objectives

English Philology is understood as a broad academic discipline spanning English language and linguistics and the literatures and cultures of English-speaking peoples. Besides developing and maintaining students' proficiency in English, the objective is to develop students' ability to examine the English language and the literature and culture of English-speaking countries analytically and theoretically.

Basic and Intermediate studies provide a thorough general grounding in the various fields of English studies. Advanced Studies involve in-depth studies of areas of special interest, allowing specialisation in linguistics, language teaching or literature.

Career prospects and second subject recommendations

English graduates enter a wide range of professions in fields where specialist knowledge of English is required. In addition to education and research, these include industry, the civil service, the foreign and diplomatic service, librarianship, publishing, translation, technical communication, marketing and tourism.

The degree programme for language teachers involves a combination of studies in one or two target languages and pedagogical studies (see  http://www.uta.fi/tiedekunnat/hum/pedagogiset.html). Students wishing to be English teachers are required to have English Philology studies and are recommended to have   another language as a second subject that they can teach.

For students not intending to be teachers the choice of second subject is more open. Suitable second subjects, besides other languages, are North American Studies, Finnish, Linguistics, Phonetics, General Literature, and other humanities subjects. Those aiming towards jobs in industry, marketing, journalism and librarianship should take suitable second subjects in other Faculties, and are advised to find out what studies are necessary for qualification purposes.

Second subject English students

All students wishing to study English Philology as a second subject are selected on the basis of a language skills test held in the week before the beginning of the autumn term. (The test is of the same kind as that used in Basic Studies, see EngfP0). Successful students may be assigned to the Supplementary Course (EngfX1).

Non-degree students are also required to take this test to demonstrate an adequate starting level, and are given an opportunity to take the test when their applications are being processed.

International exchange students

International exchange students wishing to attend English Philology courses are required to take part in a language skills test and show that they have the necessary level of proficiency in English. In principle, exchange students should have the same level of proficiency as those who are selected to study English as a second subject. Note that the number of places for second subject students is restricted, and the level is high. Further information for exchange students can be found on the English Department's web pages at http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/kielet/engf/index.html

Commencement of studies and available guidance

Guidance for new students comes in the form of tutoring provided by the student organisation and the personal study plan (HOPS) system  New students draw up a personal study plan (HOPS) and discuss this plan with their HOPS adviser (a member of staff) during the first term.  

The Studies Adviser is available for consultation on matters relating to studies and the completion of study blocks.

Students should regularly check the Department's notice board and web pages for information on such things as changes to the teaching programme, signing up for courses, Faculty exam dates, exam results, and application for places to study abroad.

Timing of studies

The English Philology study programme is designed in such a way as to allow the core courses at each level (Basic, Intermediate and Advanced) to be completed in one academic year. The BA degree as a whole (180 credits) can be completed in three years, and the MA (120 credits) in a further two years.

Required basic courses in phonetics, linguistics and literary studies

Both English majors and second subject English students are required to have done certain general courses organised in the School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies in order to complete the Basic Studies level in English Philology. The courses concerned are: Y01 Basic Course in General Phonetics (2 credits), Y02 Basic Course in General Linguistics (3 credits) and Y04 Introduction to Literary Studies (2 credits).

Required studies in a related language

English majors are required to show evidence of studies in French, German or Latin before completing the BA degree. Courses completed at school may be sufficient. This should be checked with the Studies Adviser. (See also http://www.uta.fi/tiedekunnat/hum/tutkintorakenmteet.html)

Completing courses

End-of-course examinations are mostly arranged separately for each individual course. Book exams and maturity tests (kypsyyskoe), however, are taken on the Faculty examination days, and students should enrol electronically for these not later than one week before the examination day.

Many courses require essays in addition to, or instead of, examinations. Students are expected to observe the deadlines set for completion of essay assignments. Failure to meet a deadline will affect the grading of the assignment concerned.


The goal of the S4 Options courses is to allow students to specialise, providing an opportunity for in-depth study of particular areas within English philology. Students are guided towards doing individual research and encouraged to start thinking of a topic for their future MA thesis.

Students should normally have completed Basic Studies and Intermediate Studies before taking S4 options. To a limited extent, however, these courses are open to students still studying at the Intermediate Studies level. Since these courses emphasize seminar-type methods of work, discussions, and presentations, group size is normally restricted, and priority is given to students who are furthest advanced in their studies.

Application to Options groups takes place at the beginning of the academic year, and is made via the Department's own electronic form.

It is possible for students to count as one S4 Option (6 credits) a course belonging to the programme of Translation Studies (English). However, such an arrangement should be approved in writing with the English Philology professor responsible for Advanced Studies.

Essays and papers

The conventions to be followed in writing papers are described in the English Department's own style guide:  http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/lielet/engf/studies/styleguide_2008.pdf.

Further instructions (in Finnish) relating to thesis writing are to be found on the web pages of the School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies at http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/kielet/yht/opiskelu/tutkielmat.html

Cooperation with the Technical Communications Programme

English Philology students who take the Technical Communications programme may, depending on their chosen topic, write their thesis in the area of English Philology, in which case they attend the English Philology S5a Seminar, or alternatively in Technical Communications, in which case they attend the Technical Communications Seminar and have the lecturer in that programme as their main supervisor. The Technical Communications programme otherwise counts as "Other Studies" in the degree programme, and English Philology students participating in that programme are thus required to complete all English Philology course requirements with the exception that the research studies (seminar and thesis) may be in the area of Technical Communications.

Assessment of study blocks

Courses are generally assessed on the 1-5 grading scale, but in some cases as simply pass/fail. The study blocks at each level are graded 1-5, the grade worked out using individual course grades weighted according to the amount of credit involved (pass/fail grades do not count towards the average).

For an overall grade of 3, 4 or 5 at the Basic Studies level the student must have a grade of at least 3 in the Language Skills Test (EngfP0) and in Pronunciation and Phonetics (EngfP1b) in addition to a sufficiently high overall weighted average.  

For an overall grade of 3, 4 or 5 the student must have, in addition to a sufficiently high overall average, a grade of at least 3 in Pronunciation and Intonation (EngfA1b). A valid grade (not more than 5 years old) in the Language Skills Test is also required at both Intermediate and Advanced Studies levels.

At the Advanced Studies level, the MA thesis is assessed separately and the grade for the thesis is not used in calculating the overall average.

Before the overall grades for a study block can be entered in the register, students should see the Studies Adviser to check that all the necessary courses have been completed. For this purpose the student should fill in a form for the appropriate level. Forms are available either from the Study Adviser or at http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/kielet/engf/studies/index.html#forms.

School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies