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Archived Curricula Guide 2011–2012
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Computer Science/Interactive Technology

Computer Sciences

Computer Sciences at the University of Tampere has an established and growing international reputation for research and teaching in Computer Science and Interactive Technology. There are about 50 active researchers in Computer Sciences and it is a close knit community that enjoys a stimulating intellectual environment. Both in teaching and research, our staff and students address issues of importance to the scientific community, business world and government agencies.

The computer sciences has more than 600 students studying undergraduate and postgraduate courses. We attract students from all over the world. Through our wide range of programmes (of which three can at the moment be studied in English) our students are offered a depth and breadth of knowledge, combined with strong technical skills. With the diversity and balance in the curriculum, the students are prepared for careers in both academic and industrial settings.

Research projects concentrate in core areas of computer and information sciences. Database research develops effective means for storing and retrieving ever greater quantities of data. Other research is done to create new languages and tools for the making of computer programs. There is also a wide range of research projects on human-computer interaction, and many of the results achieved are ready for application in practice. Medical applications of Computer Science present a challenge for those researching algorithms and artificial intelligence. In research on information systems the focus of interest is on the benefits of information systems and their societal implications.

An exceptionally large number of IT companies operate in the Tampere region. The Computer Sciences engages in various types of cooperation with them. In addition to joint research projects these companies have been a source of subjects for theses and practical projects.

Computer Science as a major subject

Computer Science is a field which examines questions pertaining to the use of computers, such as the principles and tools for the presentation and processing of data, programming and information systems and their planning. Professionals in this field must have the capacity for precise thought and logical deduction. The purpose of the programme is to train competent IT professionals, researchers and teachers for universities and colleges.

Interactive Technology as a major subject

Interactive Technology aims at training all-round IT professionals who have a people-friendly approach to their work. Making the quality of interaction better between man and technology is a core element in the teaching of interactive technology. Due to a multidisciplinary basis, students can utilise their backgrounds and interests and specialise in making software and hardware usability evaluations, or concentrate on developing new and better ways of interaction from a human perspective. Students can find jobs in a wide variety of different fields; they can become product development professionals in the software and telecommunications industry, usability experts in Internet and multimedia companies, and researchers in the field.

What the studies require

The studies require students to be able to apply learnt things and methods to new situations. Students must also have a fair share of perseverance. In working life professionals in this field must be able and willing to cooperate. Due to the rapid development of the IT branch, professionals must also be willing and able to acquire new information. Studying computer sciences requires students to be active, they have to complete the assignments given conscientiously, and practice independently and on their own initiative. The methods taught can only be learnt by completing weekly exercises. Even brief neglect of the studies will soon take its toll, and listening to lectures alone will not equip students with the necessary skills and competence.

Structure of studies
In the Degree Programme in Computer Sciences it is possible to take the degree of Bachelor of Science (in Finnish only) and the degree of Master of Science (all in Finnish, three in English). The Master’s degree is completed in one of the Master’s degree programmes. The major subject in the degrees can be either computer science or interactive technology.

As postgraduate degrees, it is possible to take the degrees of licentiate and doctor, on which more information is available at http://www.uta.fi/sis/en/studies/index.html.

Students take first the degree of Bachelor of Science 180 ECTS and after that, the degree of Master of Science 120 ECTS. Studies required for the completion of each degree will be described in more detail below.

Regardless of the major subject, all students in a Bachelor of Science degree programme must complete the basic studies of the degree programme and additionally some joint intermediate studies. The joint intermediate studies are part of the major subject of the degree. Certain intermediate studies may be required also from students in a Master of Science degree programme, if their Bachelor Science degree does not give all the necessary prerequisites for the Master of Science studies.

The courses in different major subjects will separate in the phase of intermediate and advanced studies. Many courses are still common in a sense that they can belong to either of the major subjects. In the overall grade of the major subject, all courses which can be part of the curriculum of that subject will be included unless the other possible major subject of the degree programme is a minor subject in the degree.

Computer sciences website: http://www.uta.fi/sis/en/cs/

School of Information Sciences