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Archived Curricula Guide 2010–2011
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Early Education

Mailing address:   
University of Tampere
Department of Teacher Education
Kindergarden Teacher Education

Visiting address:   
Åkerlundinkatu 5


International coordinator
Departmental Coordinator

Kindergarten teacher education is a part of teacher training at the University of Tampere. The mission of the unit is threefold: basic teaching, research and continuing education. The education is built up on the conception of the human being according to which human growth and activities supporting this, education, are perceived as a phenomenon of the entire lifespan. This is contemplated from the standpoint of the individual, the community and society.

Kindergarten teachers are professionals of early childhood and pre-school education. Training for kindergarten teachers renders them competent for pre-school education, education, counselling and teaching jobs and also for demanding tasks in management, development and planning. The education focuses particularly on the education and teaching of children below school age in different environments.

The objectives of the education are that the student becomes familiar with

  • the science of education and its various methods for the acquisition of knowledge
  • the philosophical, societal and psychological bases for pedagogical action and the implementation of practical education and teaching work
  • communication and co-operation skills.

Early childhood education is characteristically interdisciplinary. Apart from education, the training in early childhood education has connections particularly with the social sciences and the humanities, for instance in fields that study arts and communication. Given its connection to the child’s growth, development and learning, early childhood education is concerned with the environment in which the child grows: the family and day care.

Research in the unit addresses both basic research and areas of applied research. Research in early childhood education focuses mainly on childhood as well as the development and education of the child as a psychological, social and cultural phenomenon and activity. At present ongoing research in the unit is concerned with the growth and development of the child and learning in different environments, expertise in pre-school education, development of methods and leadership, multiprofessionalism in early childhood education and the future perspective in the education and work of teachers.

The curriculum leading to the Bachelor’s degree in education for the kindergarten teacher education consists of 180 ECTS in all. The curriculum comprises orientation studies (6 ECTS), language- and communication studies (14 ECTS), basic and intermediate studies in the major subject, education (75 ECTS, including learning at work, 15 ECTS), studies providing professional skills for posts in early childhood and pre-school education (60 ECTS) and studies in minor subjects (25 ECTS). The minor “Pre-school and primary education” includes in professional studies. The Bachelor’s degree requires approximately three years of study.

Since the autumn term 2000 the new students intake for training as kindergarten teachers have studied according to a reformed curriculum based on problem-based learning. Studies stress learning in the group and independent study, and this will be supported by group teaching, theoretical overviews (in lectures) and practical work. The main form of studies and the driving force in the learning process is the tutorial work run by tutor teachers. In tutor sessions there will be discussion on issues relating to each study block, its problems and scenarios.

Those who have taken the Bachelor’s degree in education within kindergarten teacher education mostly find placements in day-care centres, as kindergarten teachers, in management or in the supervision of registered child-minders. Some of these graduates also find placement in the service of organisations in need of expertise on early education.

The Master´s programme in education with special reference to early childhood education comes after the Bachelor´s degree. The education is planned in such a way that the student is equipped to tackle the requirements for a higher degree in education. Such areas include education, planning and development functions, research, supervision of organisations in early childhood education, administration and management.

The Department has an annual intake of 48 students for the degree of Bachelor of Arts (Education) on the basis of a joint selection procedure and an entrance examination. About the selection procedure for the degree of Master of Arts (Education, Early Childhood Education) applicants can find information in annual applicants guide or from the Unit of Early Childhood Education.

Study options for international students

In Kindergarten teacher education the main language of instruction is Finnish. Other arrangement possibilities can be inquired from the Unit for Early Childhood Education. However there are plenty of courses given in foreign languages at the other faculties of the University of Tampere. Exchange students may attend courses freely if participation is not restricted due to the nature of the course.

Department of Teacher Education