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Archived Curricula Guide 2008–2010
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Class Teacher Education

Mailing address:   
University of Tampere
Department of Teacher Education
Class Teacher Education

Visiting address:   
Erottajakatu 12


Departmental Advisers:

Elisa Parvela, Head of Administration
Tel. +358-3-3551 3204
Fax. +358-3-3551 3273
E-mail: elisa.parvela(at)uta.fi

Jyri Lindén, Assistant of Education
Tel. +358-3-3551 3231
Fax. +358-3-3551 3273
E-mail: jyri.linden(at)uta.fi

The Department of Teacher Education in Hämeenlinna is located 75 kilometers south of Tampere and the main university campus. This town of 47,000 inhabitants is the administrative capital of the Province of Southern Finland. It is the birthplace of the great Finnish composer Jean Sibelius and famous for its medieval brick castle.

The Department of Teacher Education in Hämeenlinna is in charge of the programme for primary school teachers offering a Bachelor’s and a Master´s degree programmes in educational sciences. The total number of students is about 400, and every year approximately 60 of them take the degree. The annual intake is currently 60-70. Despite the distance the regional unit campus has close connections with the main university, and the students study on equal terms. Masters of Education graduating from Hämeenlinna are mainly employed as primary teachers in comprehensive schools. However, the basis of the programme is rather widegeneral, offering, for example, good possibilities for post-graduate studies and employment in other sectors of education, as well.

The instruction in the degree programmes is based on educational studies and multididactic studies, focusing on the traditional school subject studies. Problem-based pedagogy is the main curricular strategy. Basic and intermediate studies in education have been divided into six blocks that are the center of all studies. In addition to educational and multididactic studies students must also specialize in some of the following minor subjects: environmental studies, information technology for teachers, physical education, media education, visual arts, Finnish, English, technology, preprimary instruction and primary education, textile arts, or music. The full extent of the Bachelor’s degree is 180 ECTS and requires approximately three years of full time study. The Master’s degree (120 ECTS) takes two years after the Bachelor’s degree.

Department of Teacher Education