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Archived Curricula Guide 2011–2012
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Russian Language and Culture

Russian Language and Culture

Russian Language and Culture is understood as a broad academic discipline spanning Russian language and linguistics and the literatures and cultures of the Russian-speaking people. Studies of Polish and Czech are also included as general studies of Russian Language and Culture.

The staff of the Department of the Russian Language and Culture consists of: one professor, two Finnish lecturers, two native Russian lecturers and a student adviser. Contact person is Professor Arja Rosenholm.

The Department's teaching objective is to produce specialists particularly in the field of Russian language and literature, who through their studies develop a familiarity with the cultures of the Russian-speaking world, in particular with Russian and East-European culture and society. This specialist knowledge is essential to many Finnish students who will go on to become teachers. Studies in Russian language and literature are also important to those who will enter professions in such fields as translation, tourism, journalism, administration, business, the diplomatic service etc. One important function of the Department is also to carry out and promote research in the field of Russian language and literature. Its current strengths in research are in the fields of Russian grammar and lexicology, lexicography, semantics, spoken language, verbal aspect, contact linguistics (Russian-Finnish), Russian women's literature and Russian autobiographical writing. The Department coordinates the interdisciplinary Russian Studies Programme at the University of Tampere.

The main aim of the degree programme is to develop and maintain students' language skills, in particular in Russian. This is especially the case at the basic level. Polish and Czech may also be chosen as a minor subject at the basic level (25 ECTS).

The Department's home page can be foud at http://www.uta.fi/ltl/ru/russkij/index.html

The staff of the Department: http://www.uta.fi/ltl/yhteystiedot/henkilokunta/index.html#venaja

School of Language, Translation and Literary Studies