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Archived Curricula Guide 2009–2011
Curricula Guide is archieved. Please refer to current Curricula Guides


The objective of the historical studies at the University of Tampere is to understand characteristics of historical knowledge by learning to solve historical questions, that is, by “doing history”. Instead of concentrating on the history of events, the studies are structured to focus on larger historical phenomena and themes, to train historical thinking of the students and to enhance abilities, including critical reading, reflective thinking and synthetic writing, which all will be useful for students is their future careers. Our teachers have committed themselves to excellence in their teaching and advising.


Understanding different cultures is the crux of studying history. Therefore we emphasize the importance of students' first-hand experiences of other cultures. The department aims to offer all students possibilities to study abroad and also arranges study opportunities for foreign students in Tampere.


The teaching offered at the department is predominantly in Finnish language. There are regularly, however, lectures and lecture series by visiting teachers given in English. Information about these lectures and courses can be found on the Department homepage. Moreover, the interdisciplinary North American Studies Program, co-ordinated within the Department, organizes all its teaching in English, and the Nordic Perspective on European History Programme is run by the teachers in history. On these courses, please refer to the teaching schedule (https://www10.uta.fi/opas/opetusohjelma/index.htm?lvv=2009). Students can also study history by taking book exams and writing essays. Most of the course units can be completed by reading English language books. In intermediate and advanced studies students can write essays, the subject and length of the essay must always be agreed on with the professor concerned.


It is possible to obtain the following degrees in history:

Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)

(Humanististen tieteiden kandidaatin tutkinto (HuK), kandidat i humanistiska vetenskaper (HuK))

Master of Arts (M. A.)

(Filosofian maisterin tutkinto (FM), filosofie magister (FM))

Department of History and Philosophy