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Archived Curricula Guide 2011–2012
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Speech Technique and Vocology

Speech communication and voice research

Speech is an essential part of an indivicual's self-expression, social relations and a basic factor in group activity, likewise a tool for exerting influence in society. It can be divided into two subjects: speech communication on the one hand and speaking technique and vocology on the other. Some basic courses are common to students of both, but during their basic studies students are already required to choose which line to pursue as their major subject.

Studies in both speech communication and in speaking technique and vocology are divided into three: Basic Studies carrying 25 credits, Intermediate Studies carrying 45 credits and Advanced Studies carrying 40 credits, in addition to which students majoring in either subject are required to write a master's thesis carrying 40 credits.

Studies in speech communication:
1) Students will learn about the relation pertaining between the speakers and the hearer in the speech situation and about using speech in various interactive situations
2) Students' ability to assess and analyse communication skills and interaction situations
3) Students will acquire capabilities for speech communication research, teaching and applying their knowledge as required in various professional tasks.

In addition to theoretical studies students of speech communication will be required to acquire hands-on-experience of phenomena in practiocal training. Studies in speech communication entail learning about communication in human relations, about public speaking, about communication in groups, rhetoric, professional communication, the theory and research of speech communication and teaching speech communication.

Graduates in speech communication find job placements in a variety of tasks, generally in teaching and consultation capacities. Graduates may moreover serve as experts in interaction and communication in various planning and HR developments tasks, in the IT field, in information dissemination or research, likewise in managerial functions in the field of communications.

Studies in the option of speaking tecnique and vocology:
1) Students will learn about production and reception of voice and speech, the acoustic formation of the speech signal and the significance of speech and voice characteristics in communication
2) Students will improve their own vocal performance and ability to analyse the vocal performance of other speakers
3) Students will acquire skills for the scientific research, teaching coaching and other applications of speaking technique and vocology as required in professional tasks. In addition to theoretical studies students will become familiar through hand-on-experience with phenomena in the field.

Those studying speaking technique and vocology are recommended to have or acquire experience of stage, elocution, singing or radio and TV work. Those graduating in speaking technique and vocology may work as teachers of voice and speaking technique for various professional speakers or prospective professional speaker. They may also serve as experts I speaking technique and in research tasks.

School of Education