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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
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TAYJ024 Diary studies and multilevel analysis 3 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Joint Doctoral Studies
Doctoral School

General description

Learning outcomes:
This course provides doctoral students with an understanding of diary studies (i.e., experience-sampling, event-sampling, daily diaries) and multilevel analysis as a means to analyze the nested (i.e., hierarchical) data derived from such a design.

The workshop will include a pre-meeting assignment, a two-day seminar with a practice and application phase in between, as well as consultation hours.

5.5.2017 at 9-16 in Room C5 (Main building)

In the first half of that day, students will receive a lecture and will do group assignments in order to get to know the theoretical background associated with diary designs. In the second half of that day, students will shortly present a diary study of their choice (5-7 min.) and will then further work out a plan for an individual diary study that answers a specific research question from their own field of research. After day 1, students will know the different kinds of diary designs and the theoretical ideas associated with them. In addition, they will have a concrete plan for their own diary study in their respective field of research.

Application phase: In between the two seminar days, students will be provided with a real-life dataset from a doctoral research project conducted at Maastricht University in order to start practicing data analysis with SPSS.

10.5.2017 at 9-16 in computer classroom 50 (Linna building)

In the first half of that day, students will learn more about the basics of multilevel analysis with SPSS. That is, they will receive a short theoretical introduction into the topic in form of a lecture and group discussions. The second half of that day is devoted to a hands-on SPSS tutorial that guides students through the whole analysis process (including data cleaning and preparation). For this purpose students will be provided with a dataset from the workshop coordinator. At the end of day 2, students will know how to prepare a multilevel data set and test the hypotheses to answer their specific research question.

Consultation hours: In addition to the two workshop days, students will be able to book individual consultation hours with the workshop coordinator. There will be 5 slots à 30 minutes from 16:30-19h on each of the workshop days, resulting in 10 possible sessions in total.

The course consists of
•    mini lectures (max 3-4 hours in total)
•    group assignments and group discussion
•    SPSS tutorial
•    pre-assignment

-    Diary designs
o    Daily diaries
o    Event sampling
o    Experience sampling
o    Measurement-burst design
-    Multilevel analysis
o    Methodological background
o    Analysis (e.g., centering, cross sectional versus lagged analysis)

05 May 2017 (9h to 16h)
10 May 2017 (9h to 16h)

This 2-day workshop will deepen doctoral students’ understanding of diary designs and multilevel analysis. It is especially recommended for a bit more advanced students who are familiar with different statistical analysis (in SPSS).

Pre-meeting assignment:
•    Read the following key articles (and additional readings if you like) in order to get a first idea about diary studies and multilevel modeling. While reading the articles, write down the issues that you find most difficult to understand or that were unclear to you and that you would like to elaborate on further in the workshop.

Key readings
o    Ohly, S., Sonnentag, S., Niessen, C., & Zapf, D. (2010). Diary studies in organizational research. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 9, 79–93.
o    Hayes, A. F. (2006). A primer on multilevel modeling. Human Communication Research, 32, 385-410.

Further readings
o    Sliwinski, M. J. (2008). Measurement‐burst designs for social health research. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2, 245-261.
o    Peugh, J. L., & Enders, C. K. (2005). Using the SPSS mixed procedure to fit cross-sectional and longitudinal multilevel models. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 65, 717-741.
o    Nezlek, J. B. (2001). Multilevel random coefficient analyses of event-and interval-contingent data in social and personality psychology research. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27, 771-785.

•    Find an article in your field of research that describes a study using a specific diary design which would also be suited to answer one of your own research questions. Prepare a short presentation (5-7 minutes) on this study with a focus on the set up, implementation, and methodological analysis.

•    Write a short abstract or summary (250 words max.) about a potential future study of yours that answers a specific research question with a diary design of your choice.

Please, remember to include your name, academic field, and your research topic on all documents. All pre-meeting assignment are to be sent to the coordinator of the workshop 4 weeks in advance via e-mail

Lecturer: Dr. Annika Nübold, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
More information about the lecturer: https://www.maastrichtuniversity.nl/a.nubold

Enrolment: Enrolment takes place via NettiOpsu. The selection method is draw and students have to check the selection from NettiOpsu after the enrolment period. A maximum of 24 students will be accepted for the workshop.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Annika Nübold, Teacher responsible
Pirjo Nikander, Teacher


5-May-2017 – 10-May-2017

