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Archived teaching schedules 2015–2016
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
POLVOA22/S22 The Euro Crisis in Perspective 5–10 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Politics
Political Science
School of Management

General description

The course critically examines the underlying structural and institutional causes of the Euro crisis. After completion, students will have a better understanding of the basic features of economic governance under the Economic and Monetary Union and the governance reforms implemented during the euro crisis. Students will be able to orient current developments within an appropriate historical context and understand the limitations this history imposes on the contemporary policy landscape.

Enrolment for University Studies

Email registration by January 11 essential

Enrolment for Open University Studies

Suoritusvaihto 1: osallistuminen opetukseen
26.11.2015 alkaen
Suoritusvaihtoehto 2: sähköinen kirjallinen tentti
Haku 13.8.2015 alkaen ympäri lukuvuoden

Pakolliset edeltävät opinnot: POLPOP02 Valtio-opin johdantokurssi


Michael Herman, Teacher responsible


18-Jan-2016 – 4-Mar-2016
Seminar 24 hours
Mon 18-Jan-2016 - 29-Feb-2016 weekly at 10-12, Pinni A3103
Fri 22-Jan-2016 - 4-Mar-2016 weekly at 12-14, Pinni A3103
19-Feb-2016 at 12 –14 , Pinni A3112


Numeric 1-5.