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Archived teaching schedules 2012–2013
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
TERKAN12 Evaluation research 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Health Sciences
Public Health
School of Health Sciences

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the student has acquired essentials for public health intervention evaluation. The student is familiar with main approaches used in evaluation research; knows how to evaluate public health interventions done with different methods; is aware of and capable of using principles of economic evaluation; and knows how to choose and implement optimal methods in evaluating measures and programmes used to promote population and community health

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Professori Antti Uutela, Teacher responsible
Professori Arja Rimpelä, Teacher responsible
Leena Koivusilta, Teacher
Tiina Jarvala, Teacher


11-Jan-2013 – 15-Feb-2013
Luennot/ Antti Uutela
Fri 11-Jan-2013 at 10.00-12.00, Ylähylly, Alkutentti
Fri 11-Jan-2013 at 13.00-15.00, Ylähylly, Johdantoluento
Fri 18-Jan-2013 at 9.30-15.00, Ylähylly
Fri 25-Jan-2013 at 9.30-15.00, Arvo A211
Fri 1-Feb-2013 at 9.30-15.00, Arvo A211
Fri 22-Feb-2013 at 10.00-12, Ylähylly, alku- ja lopputentti
Fri 8-Mar-2013 at 10.00-12, T-rak, luentosali, alku- ja lopputentti
Fri 15-Feb-2013 at 9.30-15.00, Ylähylly

Evaluation criteria

The whole course and lecture exam will be evaluated on the scale 1-5; course entering exam and study paper on the scale passed/failed

Study materials

Alkutentin kirja/Course entering exam: Nutbeam D & Bauman A: Evaluation in nutshell A practical guide to the evaluation of health promotion programs; lectures with powerpoints; books to deepen the knowledge for production of study papers including Rossi PH & al: Evaluation, a systematic approach; McQueen D & Jones CM (eds): Global perspectives on health promotion; Rootman I & al (eds): Evaluation in health promotion, Principles and perspectives; Drummond MF & al: Methods for the evaluation of health care programmes; and other material (e.g., articles, reports) for production of the study paper

Further information

Opintojaksoon on sisällytetty vanhan tutkintosuunnitelman opintojakso KATES052 Interventiotutkimukset yhteisöissä (2 op), joka voidaan suorittaa erillisenä osasuorituksena. Vanhan tutkintosuunnitelman mukaan opiskelevat suorittavat luennot ja harjoitukset, mutta eivät kurssin tenttejä.

Huomaattehan, että opetuksiin osallistuminen on tällä kurssilla pakollista.

Opintojakso toteutetaan joka toinen vuosi./ Organized every second year