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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
FILJATKO Tutkijaseminaari 0–5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Doctoral Programme in Philosophy
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

General description

Tutkijaseminaarissa filosofian jatko-opiskelijat, henkilökunta sekä vierailevat luennoitsijat pitävät filosofisia esitelmiä / In the seminar, Tampere graduate students, faculty and external speakers give talks in philosophy. Seminaari kokoontuu seuraavan ohjelman mukaisesti/the program of the seminar is the following:

15.9. Mari Mikkola (Humboldt): Feminist Metaphysics and Philosophical Methodology

21.9. Graduate Seminar: Research Plans Session

29.9. Graduate Seminar Shorts: Jaana Virta (UTA), Renne Pesonen (UTA).

6.10. Sonja Amadae (Helsinki): Computational Rationality and Rational Choice:  Denying Agentive Autonomy?

27.10. Anik Waldow (Sydney): Descartes on Knowing and Experiencing the Self

3.11 Jan Forsman (Graduate Seminar, UTA): Deceiving Deity & External World - How Radical Was Descartes?

17.11. Antti Kauppinen (UTA):Preference, Commitment, and Personal Transformation

21.11. (Mon, 16-18, Pinni B3107) José Noguera (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona): Reductionism That Really Matters for Social Science

24.11. Panu Raatikainen (UTA): Semantic Externalism

1.12. J.L. Austin ja puheteot (klo 10-15, A2a)

8.12. Heikki Ikäheimo (UNSW, Sydney): Intersubjective recognition and personhood as membership in the life-form of persons

15.12. Hanne Appelqvist, Jukka Mikkonen and Kalle Puolakka (Helsinki/Tampere): The Cognitive Relevance of Aesthetics


12.1.Paula Rauhala (Graduate Seminar): Marx in the East

19.1. Aino Lahdenranta (Jyväskylä): Adam Smith on virtuous action and the derivative value of character

26.1. NB 12-14! Tuomas Lepistö (Graduate Seminar): Reality and experience: new B-theoretical approaches to the justification of time experience.

2.2. Vesa Oittinen (Helsinki): Marx on Ideology

9.2. Tapio Santala +TBA (Graduate seminar): Research plan session

16.2. Anssi Korhonen (Helsinki): An almost unquenchable desire implanted in the human breast: Russell on truthmaking, falsemaking, and negative facts

23.2. Miika Kabata (Graduate seminar): The spectre unleashed: Friedman’s instrumentalism and the shadow of economics ideology

9.3. Petri Ylikoski (Helsinki): Behavioral Genetics and Social Science

16.3. Jaakko Hirvelä (Helsinki): Global Safety – How to Deal with Necessary Truths

23.3. A session on the methods of philosophy

30.3. Corrado Piroddi (Graduate seminar): TBA

6.4. Noora Tienaho (Graduate seminar): Rationality in electronic music – what would Adorno say?

20.4.  Risto Koskensilta (Graduate seminar): TBA

27.4. Markku Oksanen (UEF): On Environmental Human Rights

4.5. Juha Himanka (Tampere): Philosophy: Against Knowledge 

11.5. Jaakko Belt (Graduate Seminar): Description, Understanding, Critique. Husserl's Method(s) of Reflection.

18.5. Inkeri Koskinen (Helsinki): In defence of a contextual account of objectivity.

Wed 24.5. Matthew Slater Trust and Scientific Literacy, 2pm-4pm, PinniB4116

If you wish to be added to the list where papers are circulated, contact arto.laitinen@uta.fi


Arto Laitinen, Teacher responsible


8-Sep-2016 – 25-May-2017
Thu 8-Sep-2016 - 25-May-2017 weekly at 14-16, Pinni B4141

Further information

Seminaari on avoin myös perustutkinto-opiskelijoille. Kun seminaarissa on vierailijaesitelmöitsijä, sen jälkeen on vastaanotto filosofian kahvihuoneessa.

The seminar is open to everybody. When we have an external speaker, there is a reception in the common room.