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Archived teaching schedules 2014–2015
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
KATVAA12 Corporate Responsibility and Accounting 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Business Studies
School of Management

Learning outcomes

The student is able to understand the multifaceted relationship between business and society, and the broad impacts corporate activities have on societies. Moreover, the student understands the roles of accounting and corporate reporting within responsible business. The student is able to conceive the challenges related to representing, estimating and measuring of social impacts of business. The student knows the principles of social accounting and how these issues are being communicated to corporate stakeholders. The student is also able to evaluate such information from the user’s perspective.

General description

Please notice that this course requires obligatory attendance on lectures and commitment to fulfil the tasks in between the lectures. The tasks include working in groups to write a group report, individual learning assignments and an exam during last lecture Feb. 26.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration online and by sending a motivation paper to the teacher by e-mail, further information below.

Enrolment time has expired


Johanna Heiskanen, Teacher responsible


15-Jan-2015 – 26-Feb-2015
Lectures 24 hours
Thu 15-Jan-2015 - 19-Feb-2015 weekly at 12-16, Linna K110
Thu 26-Mar-2015 at 12-16, Linna K103, Written exam


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

An evaluation comprises of a group report, individual assignments and an exam.

Further information

To apply for the course, register online and also write a motivation paper (1-2 pages) and send it to the teacher as an attachment of an e-mail (johanna.heiskanen@staff.uta.fi) at the latest Jan 8th 2015. Within the motivation paper you should tell why you are interested in this course. State also how well you are familiar with the issues of corporate social responsibility and sustainability. Include a short description of your previous studies and those involved with business, corporate responsibility and sustainability. Also state an area/ sector of business which is at the centre of your interest.