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Archived teaching schedules 2014–2015
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
HISS3 Social Science History: a Methodology 3 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Programme in History
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

General description

This course examines the methodological and theoretical foundations of explanation in history and in Social Science History. Social Science History seeks to develop comprehensive accounts and explanations of social, political, cultural, and economic history using presuppositions from the philosophy of social explanation, the methods and styles of historical enquiry, and the concepts and theories of social science. As such an interdisciplinary enquiry it claims to provide a core for an integrated approach to social explanation.

Employing Social Science Methods in History Writing


1. What is history as science: epistemological foundations from historicism to postmodern antihistory

2. History and theory: the place of theory in historical research from Hegel to Foucault

3. Writing of history: how methodology, explanation and narration are related 

4. History as knowledge: uses and morals of history 

5. Social theory and history: SSH as an idea or a new paradigm?

6. Social theories in historical research: conceptual tools from Marx to present (sociology, anthropology, culrural studies, economics)

7. Explaining (history of) social change: models and logics

8. The state of the art: what historians and social scientists can/should do? Conclusions and discussion.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Pertti Haapala, Teacher responsible
Chris Lloyd, Teacher responsible


5-Mar-2015 – 12-May-2015
Lectures 16 hours
Thu 5-Mar-2015 - 7-May-2015 weekly at 15-17, Pinni B3107
19-Mar-2015 at 15 –17 , Pinni A1081
26-Mar-2015 , Ei opetusta
2-Apr-2015 , Ei opetusta
30-Apr-2015 , Ei opetusta
Tue 12-May-2015 at 15-17, Pinni A3111


Numeric 1-5.

Further information

Kurssi on tarkoitettu tutkimusvaiheessa oleville väitöskirjan (ja gradun) tekijöille. Kurssin aiheena on historiantutkimuksen metodologia ja sen suhde yhteiskuntatieteisiin. Kurssi koostuu luennoista, keskustelusta, oheislukemistosta ja harjoitustyöstä (joka voi liittyä omaan tutkimukseen). Luennot ovat englanniksi (tai osin suomeksi tilanteen mukaan).

Kurssille osallistuvilla maisteriopiskelijoilla tulee siis olla gradu tekeillä ja heidän on sovittava korvaavuuden soveltuvuudesta ohjaavan professorin kanssa.