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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
TAYJ035 Managing Research Information 1 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Joint Doctoral Studies
Doctoral School

General description

Learning outcomes:
Goal of the course is to know the processes of systematic information management within the participants’ own research work at the Universities of Tampere. After completing the course, the participant
•    will be able to seek and manage information efficiently
•    knows the most important available databases on their research field and has the ability to evaluate search results
•    knows how and where to store references and preserve research data
•    follows ethical scientific principles in using the literature and data
•    knows about open science principles in research publication, can assess scientific publications and choose the best possible publication channels

Student group: English speaking Doctoral Students. The focus of the course is at the beginning of doctoral studies but the skills it gives will support the whole research process and also benefit those who are at more advanced stage in their research career.

Scope: 1 ECTS credit

Contents: Available databases, planning a search and practical exercises. E-resources. Open science & publishing. Data management tools. Optimizing your impact (researcher profiles and altmetrics). Bibliometric indicators (for example impact factor and h-index) and their role in evaluating research.  

Organised by: Doctoral School, Tampere University Library & FSD

The teachers: Information specialists at the Library and FSD

People in charge: Raija Aaltonen raija.aaltonen@uta.fi

Teaching period:  12. – 16.12.2016
Modes of study: lectures, workshops and online learning environment (open source course materials and a learning portfolio)
Time schedule: 12.12.2016 – 16.12.2016
•    Module 1. Monday, 12th December at 13-16, Linna building, class Akseli (3021) library 3th floor
•    Module 2. Tuesday 13.12.2016  at 12-16, Linna building, class Akseli (3021) library 3th floor
•    Module 3 optional workshops 14-15th December (participants must choose at least 2 of the workshops): Databases and search strategies (Linna class Akseli (3021) 3th floor + Arvo library computer class B109), Reference management tools Refworks & Mendeley (Linna class Akseli (3021) 3th floor + Arvo library computer class B109), Optional online workshop.

Group size: 20

Enrolment: via Nettiopsu (participants will get information about optional workshops in September). Priority is given to English speaking students. If necessary, selection method is draw. The student has to check the selection from NettiOpsu (Courses > Enrolments) after the enrolment period.

Evaluation: pass/fail

Evaluation criteria: participation in lectures and workshops, and a learning portfolio

More information: see course page in Moodle in the beginning of Autumn Term; raija.aaltonen@uta.fi

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Raija Aaltonen, Teacher responsible


12-Dec-2016 – 16-Dec-2016

