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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
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FILT10 Seminar in Theoretical Social Research: Adam Smith 3–5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Philosophy
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

General description

In this text seminar we will go through Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments. The text is available in the moodle page, the password is Sentiments. (Check out also the course in moral psychology 26-29.9)

28.9. Introduction

12.10. Part I: Of the propriety of action 11-77

2.11. Part II: Of merit and demerit; or, of the objects of reward and punishment 78-127

16.11. Part III Of the foundation of our judgments concerning our own sentiments and conduct, and of the sense of duty 128-208

30.11. Part IV Of the effect of utility upon the sentiment of approbation & Part V Of the influence of custom and fashion upon the sentiments of moral approbation and disapprobation 209-247

7.12. Part VI Of the character of virtue 248-312

15.12. Part VI Of systems of moral philosophy 313-405 (NB: not 14.12).

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Arto Laitinen, Teacher responsible
Risto Heiskala, Teacher responsible
Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen, Teacher responsible


28-Sep-2016 – 15-Dec-2016
Tutorials 14 hours
Wed 28-Sep-2016 - 7-Dec-2016 weekly at 16-18, Atalpa, seminaarihuone 208
Thu 15-Dec-2016 at 16-18, Atalpa 208



Evaluation criteria


For every time, read the chapter and write a one page summary of the chapter – and after the sixth meeting send the six page summary to arto.laitinen@uta.fi

Everyone participates in giving a presentation (coordinate with your pair on how you do it). The presentation is a short one, 5 min, raising just one or two points or questions or so (assume that everyone has read the chapter).

Study materials

Adam Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments. The text is available in the moodle page, the password is Sentiments

Further information

Active participation in seminars, typically 3 ECTS, with extra reading 5 ECTS.