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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
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PEACE035 Peace Mediation and National Dialogues 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
MP in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Peace and Conflict Research
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

- To gain a grounding in the literature of the field and to familiarize with basic concepts

- To reflect on conflict and analyse different methods and tools when designing mediation processes

- To practice mediation and thereby learn different mediation tools, understand the role of the mediator and gain skills that will enable them to address conflict more effectively

- To understand of the interconnectedness between theory and the application of mediation in the "real world".

General description

This course is an introduction to peace mediation as an approach to conflict resolution in the international political sphere. We will look at the practice of mediation, its methods and analyse the opportunities and challenges of applying mediation in peace processes. The course seeks to simplify the field and bridge theoretical approaches with institutional frameworks and policy approaches on the one hand and equip students with practical tools and skills in mediation that can be applied in diverse policy fields on the other.

This course is not a certification in mediation and is not an all-encompassing coverage on the topic. Instead this is an introduction to the practice of mediation, complementing the existing theoretical courses at the university. As such it aims to give a broad overview of the issues related to applying mediation from the macro to the micro level, introduce the main actors conducting mediation in the international sphere and analyse the multiple stakeholders in peace-building processes and the different ways to approach them.

Mediation has been around for centuries and depending on culture, ideology, context and personal background and character there are many valuable ways of approaching it. There is no such thing as the “the right way” of applying mediation. What is important is that future mediators have a holistic and empathetic understanding of the actors and issues, strategic approach to the process and professional conduct when it comes to conflict resolution.

The course is built around a four-day block seminar. Students' presence, ideas, and active engagement are required throughout for its successful competition. The course is based on experiential learning, which means that we will practice mediation and try to generalize conclusions, as well as look into theoretical frameworks and try to practically apply them. It is built on student participation, supplemented by short lectures. The course includes the following components:

• Lectures: each lecture gives an introduction and presents different aspects of a given topic. Students are expected to have read the readings assigned for the lecture and engage in the discussion.

• Seminar: in this round students will discuss together with the instructor the subject matter and raise questions for consideration

• Exercises: students will be asked to form smaller groups and work interactively.

•  Role-plays: each student will be assigned a role. It is expected that students read their roles and practice the lessons learned in the lectures and seminars.

• Small Group Discussions: students are expected to read the newspaper and other social media and to come prepared to discuss current affairs.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Diaz, Juan, Teacher responsible


25-Oct-2016 – 28-Oct-2016
Lectures 28 hours
Tue 25-Oct-2016 at 9-17, Linna 6017
Wed 26-Oct-2016 at 9-17, Linna 6017
Thu 27-Oct-2016 at 9-17, Linna 6017
Fri 28-Oct-2016 at 9-17, Linna 6017



Further information

Only for the degree students of the MDP in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research.