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Archived teaching schedules 2009–2010
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
GERFW1 Wirtschaftsdeutsch 3–9 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
German Language and Culture
School of Modern Languages and Translation Studies

General description

Drei auswählbare Kurse im Sprachenzentrum:

- KKSA45  Berufsbezogene Kommunikationstrainings (3 op)
- KKSA41M1 Modul A: Geschäftsdeutsch (3 op)
(Kielikeskuksen sivuilla kohdassa "Kauppa- ja hallintotieteiden tdk, KTK, KTM, kieliopinnot")
- KKSA41M2 Modul B: Wirtschaftsdeutsch (3 op)
(Kielikeskuksen sivuilla kohdassa "Kauppa- ja hallintotieteiden tdk, KTK, KTM, kieliopinnot")

Enrolment for University Studies

s. Unterrichtsprogramm des Sprachenzentrums


Brigitte Reuter (Sprachenzentrum), Teacher responsible