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Archived teaching schedules 2013–2014
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TAYJ534 Introduction to university pedagogy 10 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Joint Doctoral Studies
Doctoral School

General description

Target group:

Professors, lecturers and teachers, and doctoral students of the University of Tampere.


Learning outcomes:

After completing the studies, the participant is expected to

- be familiar with the central theoretical questions for university teaching and learning
- understand the role of learning objectives and assessment in teaching and curriculum design
- understand the idea of constructive alignment in teaching and be able to apply the idea in their own practice
- be able to support and supervise learning activities in flexible ways in various contexts of academic teaching
- identify personal and institutional goals in developing pedagogical expertise and practice



- learning in higher education: theories and practice
- constructive alignment: learning objectives, teaching methods and assessment promoting learning
- curriculum in higher education; research-teaching nexus
- teaching in higher education: lectures, supervisory processes and collaboration in online and traditional learning environments
- developing expertise in teaching


Mode of study: blended learning

The course consists of lectures, discussions, readings, study circles, and writing assignments. A virtual learning environment is used. There will be an intensive period of contact days in the beginning and in the end, and in-between the themes are further explored in study circles in virtual learning environment. 10 ECTS means 267 hours of students work.

Contact days: 27.-28.1. (Room Virta 219) and 12.-13.5.2014 (Room A31 Main building) at 9.15-15.00

Adobe Connect online seminars: 3.3., 17.3. and 7.4.2014 at 14.00-16.00


Required assignments

Active participation in contact days, online seminars and tasks and study circle exercises (individual and group assignments) and an elaborated developmental case in one`s own work.


Assessment and grading

Pass/fail. Assessment of learning is carried out via various tasks during the course, as well as a practical developmental task and portfolio completed towards the end of the course. The assessment focuses on how the teacher recognizes and explicates his or her problem-solving activities in the developmental task and how the participant recognizes and explicates his or her learning and teaching approach or philosophy and identifies points for development.


Study materials

Hunt, L. & Chalmers, D. (eds) 2013. University teaching in focus. A learning-centred approach. London & New York: Routledge. Available online at http://www.tampere.eblib.com/patron/FullRecord.aspx?p=1092635

Biggs, J. & Tang, C. 2007. Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does. 3rd edition. Available online at http ://site.ebrary.com/lib/Tampere/docDetail.action?DocID=10229859

Research articles


Application procedure

Electronic application form is open 8.11.–8.12.2013. Twenty participants from the University of Tampere will be selected on the basis of their application documents. Priority is given to applicants who cannot participate in corresponding pedagogical training in Finnish, and who have teaching intensive posts. All applicants are informed of the selections by 18.12. 2013.

Electronic application form (https://elomake3.uta.fi/lomakkeet/10945/lomake.html)


Johanna Annala, Teacher responsible


27-Jan-2014 – 13-May-2014

