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Archived teaching schedules 2012–2013
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PEACE002 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Studies II 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
MP in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, students will have gained an overview of conflict resolution as applied within and among nations and at the global level. Students will become cognizant of key concepts and terms related to international and global conflict resolution, for example, collective security, human security, peacekeeping, peace activism, universal human rights, international organization, world governance, and NGOs. Finally, students will gain an understanding of the linkage and interrelationships between peace and sustainable development, alleviation of poverty, economics, gender equality, human rights, access to justice, and participatory government.

General description

Course content and associated goals include
1) increasing awareness of the dimensions and social contexts of conflict situations through the comparison of institutions in various cultures and nations
2) examining and analyzing a range of conflict resolution practices, conflict prevention strategies, and peace-building, peacekeeping, and reconciliation techniques, and
3) gaining an understanding of the options available for dealing with conflict within and among nations and at the global level.


Douglas P Fry, Teacher responsible


10-Sep-2012 – 10-Oct-2012
Lectures 20 hours
Mon 10-Sep-2012 - 8-Oct-2012 weekly at 14.15-15.45
Wed 12-Sep-2012 - 10-Oct-2012 weekly at 14.15-15.45


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

Participation in small-group discussions of readings and passing a comprehensive course exam on the lectures, readings, films, and so on.

Further information

The students of the University of Tampere will complete this course unit from the Åbo Akademi University via a classroom real-time video link.