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Archived teaching schedules 2012–2013
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COSOPOC4 Approaches to Comparative Research in Social Policy - 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
MDP in Comparative Social Policy and Welfare
Social Policy
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

Students will be equipped with skills necessary for advanced research of welfare systems:

The class focuses on the crucial interface between theory-building and concept formation on the one hand and comparative empirical inquiry of welfare state development on the other. In doing so, it addresses the following questions:
•How have comparative welfare state researchers conceptualized variation among European welfare state?*
•What are the main explanatory approaches accounting for this variation?*
•How have comparative welfare state researchers produced theoretical and empirical knowledge about the various European welfare states; how have they arrived at generalization about welfare state development?
•What is the rationale of theory-building, concept-formation and empirical inquiry in the following variants of comparative welfare state research:
a.Comparative case studies of countries and national “models”, “regimes”, or “varieties”
b.Overarching trends of welfare state development in large-n studies of the long-term development of OECD-countries’ welfare states
c.In depth inquiry in institutional and political dynamics in single-case studies of countries and policy fields in countries
d.Theory and research below the nation state: Comparisons across policy fields, regions, or instances of major social reform
e.Galton’s problem and globalization: How can one study international interconnectedness?
f.Temporality in the study of comparative welfare state development: studying institutional change as path dependent development or through comparisons across time

* These two questions will be addressed in merely a short recap-session, as they are also subject of the course "C2 Theories of Welfare States - Extension Module"


Further information

Introduction during the COSOPO Intensive Programme in Tampere; then independent study, using methods of distance learning: Students will read examples of the different kinds of comparative inquiry and interrogate the theory-empirics-interface in each of them. Preparation of a seminar paper.

Only for students of the Cosopo master's programme.