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Archived teaching schedules 2018–2019
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TERVAL4 Ageing as a Social Phenomenon 4–6 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Health Sciences
Faculty of Social Sciences

Learning outcomes

Having passed the course the student is able to consider ageing and old age as social and cultural phenomena. The student can analyze ageing as an individual experience. The student understands the impact of health, social relationships and social and health care services on old people?s wellbeing.


Marja Jylhä, Teacher responsible


3-Sep-2018 – 28-Jun-2019

Study materials

Course literature

The compulsory book for all students has to be read first and passed succesfully, after which the students can choose additional books from the list. The books can be read and taken in one or more exams. If the compulsory book and additional books are taken in the same exam, the course is only accepted if the compulsory book is passed succesfully. The choice of books is free in all other books, aexcept the compulsory one.

Compulsory book for all students

Bond J, Peace S, Dittman-Kohli F and Westerhof G (eds). Ageing in society. Sage Publications 2007 (4. ed)  (4 op)

Additional literature

Eskola, A. Vanhuus. Helpottava, huolestuttava, kiinnostava. Vastapaino 2016 tai myöhempi painos.  (1 op)

Eskola, A. Vanhanakin voi ajatella. Vastapaino, ilmestyy tammikuussa 2019.(1  op)

Estes CL, Biggs S and Phillipson C. Social theory, social policy and ageing. A critical introduction. Open University Press 2003 (2 op)

Karisto A. Satumaa. Suomalaiseläkeläiset Espanjan aurinkorannikolla. Suomelaien Kirjallisuuden Seura 2008.  (1 op)

Gilleard C and Higgs P. Contexts of ageing. Class, cohort and community. Polity Press 2005 (2 op)

Kalliomaa-Puha L, Kangas O. Yhteistä ja yksityistä varautumista – vanhusten hoivan tulevaisuus. Kalevi Sorsa –säätiö 2015 (1 op)

Abramson CM. The end game. How inequality shapes our final years? Harvard University Press 2015 (2 op)

Victor C. The social context of ageing. A textbook of gerontology. Routledge 2005 (2 op)


Further information


No contact teaching. The student reads and has to succesfully pass the first book that gives 4 ECTS. After that or at the same time the student can choose other books as well, that each give 1-2 ECTS. If agreed with the teacher, even other books or articles can be chosen. The exam can be taken on the Faculty's General exam days (enrolment through NettiOpsu). The course can be taken in Finnish or English. Ei kontaktiopetusta. Kirjatentit tiedekunnan yleisinä tenttipäivinä. Ensin opiskelijan tulee suorittaa kaikille yhteinen kirja, joka antaa 4 opintopistettä. Sen jälkeen tai samaan aikaan sen kanssa  opiskelija voi tenttiä valintansa mukaan muita yllämainittuja kirjoja, joista jokainen tuottaa 1-2 opintopistettä. Opettajan kanssa sopimalla tentittäväksi voi valita myös muita kirjoja tai lehtiartikkeleita. Kurssin voi suorittaa sekä suomen että englannin kielellä.