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Archived teaching schedules 2017–2018
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
PGHAS02 Global Dynamics Influencing Health 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Faculty of Social Sciences

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Anneli Milén, Teacher responsible


6-Sep-2017 – 15-Dec-2017
Lectures and group work in Arvo building
Wed 6-Sep-2017 at 14-16, Jarmo Visakorpi Hall A109
Fri 8-Sep-2017 at 10-12, F211AB
Wed 13-Sep-2017 at 9-11, F211AB
Fri 15-Sep-2017 at 9-11, F211AB
Fri 22-Sep-2017 at 9-11, F211AB
Wed 27-Sep-2017 at 9-11, A308, Note! Change of room!
Fri 29-Sep-2017 at 9-11, A210-211
Wed 4-Oct-2017 at 9-11, F211AB
Fri 6-Oct-2017 at 9-11, F211AB
Wed 11-Oct-2017 at 10-12, F211AB
Wed 18-Oct-2017 at 10-12, F211AB, International guest lecturer.
Fri 20-Oct-2017 at 10-12, F211AB, International guest lecturer.
Tue 24-Oct-2017 at 14-16, A210-211, International guest lecturer. NOTE! Exceptional time.
Thu 26-Oct-2017 at 10-12, F211AB, International guest lecturer.
Wed 1-Nov-2017 at 9-12, F211AB, CANCELLED!
Wed 8-Nov-2017 at 9-12, F211AB
Thu 9-Nov-2017 at 10-12, A210-211
Wed 15-Nov-2017 at 10-12, F211AB, International guest lecturer. Note! Change in lecture time!
Wed 22-Nov-2017 at 9-12, F211AB, International guest lecturer.
Thu 23-Nov-2017 at 9-11, A210-211, CANCELLED!
Thu 7-Dec-2017 at 10-13, F115, EXAM
Fri 13-Apr-2018 at 13-16, Arvo F211AB, EXAM RETAKE
Guest lectures
Mon 28-Aug-2017 at 13.30-16.00, TBC, Short guest lectures by the three final Global Health Professorship Applicants.
Fri 15-Dec-2017 at 10-13, Pinni B1096 , Seminar day by Daniel Weinstock from McGill University, Canada

Further information

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