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Archived teaching schedules 2013–2014
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
TAYJ522 Interacting Interculturally: Engaging in Dialogue 3 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Joint Doctoral Studies
Doctoral School

General description

Learning outcomes

Working successfully in multilingual/multidisciplinary/multicultural projects or in global environments are challenges which most doctoral students meet at university and in working life. This course aims to help students to develop some of the core competencies needed for working in multilingual and multicultural teams. In order to do this, students need to gain a critical understanding of how expectations, perception, roles, communication styles and learning preferences may help or hinder group work. The emphasis will be on diversity issues beyond nationality, on better managing conflict and resolving conflict.

In order to reach the aims of the course, the methods used will be participatory. Short lectures will be given, but mainly students will engage in exercises, simulations and reflective/critical discussion. Independent work will consist of readings and some reflective written tasks. Please note that there is a pre-assignment.

Teaching methods
The course is given on 3 separate days (8.11., 15.11., 22.11.) from 9-16 with a break for lunch between 12-13 and two short coffee breaks.


8.11. Pinni A 3111

15.-22.11. Pinni B 3116

Pre-assignment: Students accepted to the course are required to write a short reflective task (one A4). Details on the pre-assignment will be sent to those accepted to the course, after which assignments will be sent in through Moodle (two weeks before course starts at the latest).

PLEASE NOTE: Attendance on all THREE days is required for the completion of the course, and evaluation is pass/fail.

Maximum number of students: 30.

Enrolment in NettiOpsu begins on 26 August 2013. Students are selected in the order of enrolment. The student has to check the selection from NettiOpsu after the enrolment period.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Raquel Benmergui, Teacher responsible


8-Nov-2013 – 22-Nov-2013

