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Archived teaching schedules 2008–2009
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KVPOS3 Eurooppa-tutkimuksen teemaseminaari: Geopolitics of Climate Change, Europe and the Arctic 1–2 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
International Relations
Dept. of Political Science and International Relations

General description

Seminaarin ja jaettavan materiaalin pohjalta kirjoitetaan 6-8 s. essee (1 op) tai 10-12 s. essee (2 op). Essee palautetaan Jean Monnet -professori Pami Aallolle 24.10.2008 mennessä os. pami.aalto@uta.fi.

Korvaavuus: 1-2 op Eurooppatutkimuksen teemaseminaarista tai 2 op Aallon tai Prozorovin tai Scottin kirja.

Sisältö: EU-toimijoiden rooli arktisesa politiikassa sekä globaalissa ilmastonmuutoksen politiikassa suhteessa muihin relevantteihin toimijoihin kuten USA sekä Venäjä/Aasian vallat.

Tavoitteet: oppia perusteet EU:n ja muiden toimijoiden suhteesta arktisiin alueisiin sekä ilmastonmuutokseen.

Description in English:

Students write an essay of 6-8 p. (1 ECTS) or 10-12 p. (2 ECTS) based on the seminar and distributed material. The essay will be returned to Jean Monnet Professor Pami Aalto (pami.aalto@uta.fi) by 24.10.2008.

Compensations in ISSS programmes:

Bachelor of Social Sciences: one book (2 ECTS) from KVPIB7A1 World Politics or

MDP Europeanization of Politics and Governance: KVPIES16 Specialization Course in European Studies

Contents: special course aiming to give the student knowledge of Europe's role in the politics of the Arctic and the climate change, in particular vi-avis responses from the EU area actors, Russia, US and other relevant actors.

Objectives: to learn basics of EU and other responses to the global climate change and Arctic politics

Enrolment for University Studies

Preregistration by 26.9.2008 to isss@uta.fi.


Sanjay Chaturvedi, Teacher


29-Sep-2008 – 29-Sep-2008
Seminar 4 hours
Mon 29-Sep-2008 at 12-16, Linna room 6017