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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
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TAYJ025 Epistemology, Design, and Qualitative Inquiry 3 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Postgraduate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Joint Doctoral Studies
Doctoral School

General description

Course description: This course brings together epistemology and research design in the context of qualitative inquiry. It reviews many common epistemological and philosophical foundations utilized in qualitative designs and addresses how these foundations shape research processes. Different research questions and epistemological/theoretical orientations call for different ways to conceptualize data, methods and representation/dissemination of findings. This course speaks to the theoretical and practical complexity embedded in designing qualitative research that are well aligned with the intended ways to produce knowledge.

- to learn about different epistemological orientations (subjectivism, objectivism, constructionism) and theoretical perspectives (e.g., various forms of intepretivism, feminisms, critical theories, postmodernism, poststructuralism, post colonialism) often associated with qualitative inquiry
-to understand how epistemologies and theories guide research designs and design choices
-to recognize connections between methodological, personal, political, and theoretical in the context of qualitative inquiry
- to practice the alignment between epistemology/theoretical perspective and methods

1)    Locate and read two articles or book chapters that describe theoretical perspectives (see above) in qualitative inquiry. One reading should address the perspective you are planning to follow in your study and the other reading should describe another perspective that interests you.
2)    Write a 2-page summary of your study design (include theoretical perspective, research questions, sample, methods, and representation/dissemination plan)

Send pre-assignment to course Moodle area by 12 August by12 o'clock.

Place: UTA Main building room C5

Preliminary course schedule:
Mon 22.8.2016 at 10.15-16: Theoretical perspectives, epistemologies, and ontologies in qualitative inquiry
1)    Theoretical perspective articles chosen by students  
Tue 23.8.2016 at 10.15-16: Impact of theories and philosophies in research design
1)    Koro-Ljungberg, M. (2016) Reconceptualizing qualitative research: Methodologies without methodology. Sage.  Chapter 4.
2)    3 qualitative research articles selected by each student
Wed 24.8.2016 at 10.15-16: Epistemological alignment
Reading: Koro-Ljungberg, M., Yendol-Hoppey, D., Smith, J. & Hayes, S. (2009) (E)pistemological awareness, instantiation of methods, and uninformed methodological ambiguity in qualitative research projects. Educational Researcher, 38 (9), 687-699.  

Final assignment: Create a revised summary of your research plan. Illustrate the alignment between theories/epistemologies and methodological choices. Solicit peer feedback before discussing your plan in the class. The plan can be max 3 pages. Use methodological citations throughout.

Instructor: Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Arizona State University, University of Tampere

Enrolment period 9 May - 30 May 2016. With e-form: https://elomake3.uta.fi/lomakkeet/827/lomake.html?rinnakkaislomake=registration. Maximum group size is 20. Selection method is draw.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment with e-form:

Enrolment is binding. If you are not able to participate, please contact olli.nuutinen@uta.fi.


Koro-Ljungberg, Mirka, Teacher
Pirjo Nikander, Other person


22-Aug-2016 – 24-Aug-2016

