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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
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SOS09.4 Gender and development (web course) 5 ECTS
Location information
Location independent teaching
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Social Sciences
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

- The ability to critically analyze the meaning of gender in the different lines of development thinking and in development co-operation practices.
- Understand and identify differences between various theories on gender, as well as diversities in gender systems in different contexts.

General description

The course content offers an outline of debates about gender and gender equality in social sciences and Development Studies. The historical shifts from Women and/in Development to Gender and Development will be studied. Major theoretical perspectives within Gender Studies and postcolonial feminist theory are made familiar through a study of texts. One thematic field (health, poverty, education, democracy) will be studied more thoroughly by each student through a case study Project.

Learning Methods:

Reading, video lectures, on-line discussions in teams, case study. Please make sure you can participate (on-line) throughout the entire period: the course requires continuous work throughout the 9 weeks, all weeks are equally demanding, and absences longer than one week cause problems for the team you work in.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment via Hilma website.


Piia Lavila (University of Helsinki), Teacher responsible


27-Mar-2017 – 19-May-2017


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

All phases of the course are assessed through self-, peer- and teacher evaluations.  The final mark will consist of an evaluation of group discussions, where texts are discussed (50%), and a final group work assignment, the case study (50%).

Further information

The course is organized by HILMA network. It is designed for BA students with a background in Development Studies, Gender Studies or Social Sciences. The preferred level is roughly second year BA students, but depending on your interests and needs, even PhD students are welcome.