Postgraduate studies
International Doctoral Programme in Epidemiology
Common Core Studies/LTL
Faculty of Social Sciences
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student will be able to perform basic epidemiologic data analyses using the statistical programme R and interpret the findings, and is aware of some more advanced methods of analysis.
General description
An introduction to epidemiologic data analysis using the statistical programme R. Course will cover basic statistical inference of the fundamental epidemiologic study designs. An introduction to the some more advanced methods concerning statistical analysis of dependent observations and long-term survival analysis are also presented.
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
Janne Pitkäniemi, Teacher responsible
Mon 26-Feb-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Mon 5-Mar-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Mon 12-Mar-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Wed 14-Mar-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Mon 26-Mar-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals
Mon 9-Apr-2018 at 9-16, Arvo A308 (lectures) and computer class 71 (A309) practicals