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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
PEDAYOP1 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education 10 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Basic studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Teacher's Pedagogical Studies
School of Education

Learning outcomes

- is able to design and support flexible learning activities in versatile learning environments,
- is familiar with the central theoretical questions of university teaching and learning and
- can identify and overcome personal and institutional challenges in developing pedagogical expertise and practice.

Enrolment for University Studies

Application procedure
- Electronic application form is open 2.5.-31.5.2016.
- Fifteen participants will be selected on the basis of their application documents (both staff and doctoral researcher).
- Priority is given to applicants who cannot participate in corresponding pedagogical training in Finnish, who do not have previous pedagogical studies, who have teaching at University of Tampere and who are committed to active participation in contact days and online studies during the course. People are selected equally from different Schools.
- Additional application period (primarily for new staff): 8.-31.8.2016


Jyri Linden, Teacher responsible
Johanna Annala, Teacher responsible


8-Sep-2016 – 17-Feb-2017
Lectures 30 hours + 10 hours Web-based
Contact days
Thu 29-Sep-2016 at 9-15, Y-kampus Keskusta (main building)
Fri 30-Sep-2016 at 9-15, Virta 255
Wed 14-Dec-2016 at 9-15, Y-kampus Keskusta (main building)
Thu 9-Feb-2017 at 9-15, Y-kampus Keskusta (main building)
Fri 10-Feb-2017 at 9-15, Y-kampus Keskusta (main building)
Adobe Connect online seminars
Mon 7-Nov-2016 at 12-16
Mon 21-Nov-2016 at 12-16
Tutorials 10 hours Web-based
Independent work 220 hours Web-based



Further information

This course is targeted at international professors, teachers, researchers, supervisors and doctoral researcher working at the University of Tampere, especially those who are interested in developing their pedagogical expertise and linking up with colleagues with similar interests.