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Archived teaching schedules 2013–2014
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HALKAS11 Local governance 5–10 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Administrative Studies
Local and Regional Governance
School of Management

Learning outcomes

After this course, the student will
1) know the main theories, principles and practices of local governance
2) understands and is able to interpret local government change from the concepts and ideas provided by local governance
3) can critically evaluate and apply different concepts and tools which are needed in governing change in local and regional communities, and
4) has learned ways to lead governance relations at the local and regional level

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Michaela Batorova, Teacher responsible


23-Oct-2013 – 11-Dec-2013
Study Group 20 hours
Wed 23-Oct-2013 - 11-Dec-2013 weekly at 9-12, PinniA 3020


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

The student has to present and acticle, work as a chairman of session, actively contribute to discussions on other students' articles

Study materials

1) Reading circle (5 points)

Acientific articles, which are delivered in moodle-environment

2) Literature (5 points) has to be examined in electonic exams.

Local Government Studies  5/2009. Special Issue on New Network Modes of Governance

Perri ym: Towards Holistic Governance. The New Reform Agenda. Palgrave 2002

Klijn, H-E: Governance and Governance Networks in Europe. Public Management Review. Vol 10 Issue 4, 2008.

Further information

Ask university lecturer Michaela Batorova