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Archived teaching schedules 2009–2010
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Media, Peace and Conflict 2 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Int. School of Social Sciences

General description

Students of the Master's degree programmes on Political Communication and in Global Governance and World Culture can use this course as part of their "Joint Studies".

Students of the Master's degree Programme in European and Russian Studies majoring in Journalism and Mass Communication can use this course as part of their "Other ERS studies"



The objective of the course is to gain a critical understanding of the role national and international media (newspapers, radio, television, online, blogs, citizens' journalism) play in promoting discord and tension, as well as peace and reconciliation, in a range of societies in conflict or just emerging from war.


The course looks critically at how different types of media work towards peace and reconciliation, or the opposite, in four settings: Afghanistan, Rwanda, Cambodia and Nepal. The lecturer, as a journalist or as UN official, has direct experience of all four countries. The sessions will attempt to track recent conflict and post-conflict cases in the chosen examples through the eyes of both national and foreign media and critically examine how and why their outputs and actions contribute to ongoing peace or actually promote and worsen the conflict.

The sessions will begin with a broad discussion on what is meant by `nation building´ and where journalism fits into such a concept. Many local journalists I worked with in South Africa saw `sunshine journalism´as political affirmation of the new post-apartheid dispensation. But this was often at the expense of ethics. Ethically-sound journalism means rigorous reporting and editing, putting politicians on the spot, exposing injustice, demanding accountability from elected representatives, and the like. But does such an approach always lead to national reconciliation?





Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Sean Crowley, Teacher responsible

Homepage URL


12-Feb-2010 – 5-Mar-2010
Lectures 16 hours
Fri 12-Feb-2010 - 5-Mar-2010 weekly at 10-12, Linna 6017
Fri 12-Feb-2010 - 5-Mar-2010 weekly at 14-16, Linna 6017