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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
HALDIGI01 Knowledge, business and work in a digital society 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Degree Programme in Administrative Studies
School of Management

Learning outcomes

The introduction course approaches the phenomenon from the perspectives of information sciences, business and management as well as public administration and politics.
The course analyses digitalization at the different societal levels and provides tools for understanding and conceptualizing the phenomenon both in theoretical and managerial terms.
Student becomes familiar with various impacts of digitalization on society and is able to compare its pros and cons.

General description

27th of October:
Mikael Nylund, Senior adviser and business manager at Gofore Oy

3rd of November: Politics and digitalization
Researcher Rune Saugmann
Cases Digital War and Politics and digitalization

4th of November: Digital activism: All male panels and the politics of virality
Researcher Saara Särmä

10th of November: Governance and digitalisation
Professor Jan-Erik Johanson
Case Digital Finland 2.0 – Aleksi Kopponen

17th of November: New business potential through digitalisation
Professor Hannu Saarijärvi
Case Suunto: Customer Driven Business”

24th of November:
Research director Kirsi Heikkilä-Tammi: Work in change

1st of December:
Professor Arja Ropo: Leadership in change + case studies

8th December:
Research Director Harri Laihonen: Summary

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrolment time has expired


Harri Laihonen, Teacher responsible


27-Oct-2016 – 8-Dec-2016
Lectures 24 hours
Thu 27-Oct-2016 at 14-16, Linna ls. K103
Thu 3-Nov-2016 at 12-16, Päätalo D11
Fri 4-Nov-2016 at 12-14, Päätalo A4
Thu 10-Nov-2016 at 12-16, Pinni ls. B1100
Thu 17-Nov-2016 at 12-16, Väinö Linna sali
Thu 24-Nov-2016 at 12-16, Pinni ls. B1100
Thu 1-Dec-2016 at 12-16, Päätalo D10a
Thu 8-Dec-2016 at 12-16, Pinni ls. B1100

Study materials

Provided by teachers