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Archived teaching schedules 2010–2011
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VALTA7/S2E/S2F Constitutionalization of Non-State Contexts 3 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Intermediate studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Political Science
Dept. of Political Science and International Relations

General description

Course consist of lectures (12h), seminar (12h ) + readings + an essay.

Course contents and learning outcome:

According to the traditional modern understanding only states may have constitutions, only states may become constitutionalised. This notion, which dates back to the French Revolution, has become challenged in the post WW II era; European integration and globalization have made it pressing to argue that constitutionalization may take place also in non-state contexts, including international and domestic organizations and even man-man relations. As Jack Straw, the then UK Home Secretary, put it in the 1990s, even golf clubs may have constitutions. Really the necessary bond of a constitution to the state has been severed!

In political science, constitutionalization of non-state contexts is a rather new topic of study. This course however, explores what this phenomenon is about in theory and practice, how it has taken place, what effects it has already produced, and what kind of implications it has on other political institutions. The focus of attention is in the EU but the WTO and man-man relations will also be taken into account.

After finishing the course, the students have acquired knowledge and critical understanding of what this phenomenon is about, how it is present in daily use of power.

Compensates from VALTA7 or VALTS2e or VALTS2f.

Pre-registration by e-mail at tapani.turkka (AT) uta.fi by 10.1.2011. (30 students max.)


Tapani Turkka, Teacher responsible


Lectures 12 hours
Mon 17-Jan-2011 - 7-Feb-2011 weekly at 14-16, Linna room K113
Thu 27-Jan-2011 - 3-Feb-2011 weekly at 10-12, Main Building room A32, NO lecture 20.1.2011
Seminar 12 hours
Thu 10-Feb-2011 - 24-Feb-2011 weekly at 10-12, Main Building room A32
Mon 14-Feb-2011 - 7-Mar-2011 weekly at 14-16, Linna room K113, NO seminar 28.2.2011