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Archived teaching schedules 2017–2018
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
GEN5 Feminist politics 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period III Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
Master's Degree Programme in Gender Studies
Gender Studies
Faculty of Social Sciences

Learning outcomes

After completing the course the students are familiar with the chances in promoting gender and sexual equality in society and in science related institutions in particular. The students will have the basic abilities to become an expert in the issues of gender and sexual equality.

General description

Researching Gender, Work and Transforming Organisations: Methodologies, theories and practices 

See the course page: https://coursepages.uta.fi/nordwit1/

Preliminary programme

April 18th, 2018

15.00-18 Workshop on readings, small groups, discussion

Teachers: Rebecca Lund, Marja Vehviläinen

18.30 Dinner (self-paid)

April 19th, 2018                  

9.00-12 Julia Nentwich: Researching (un)doing gender at work

- Discussion based on the readings and lectures: teachers, participants.

13-18 Thematic seminars based on the papers of course participants. 2 parallel sessions: 5-6 papers and comments from 1. Julia Nentwich & Päivi Korvajärvi; 2. Gabriele Griffin, Marja Vehviläinen & Oili-Helena Ylijoki

April 20th, 2018

 9.00-12 Minna Leinonen & Tiina Suopajärvi: Transforming gendered practices, action research approaches.

- Lecture and workshop

13-14.45 Discussion, ending



The course consists of lectures, workshops, readings, tasks and discussions about the readings, a research seminar session, and either a learning diary/essay or a research paper. The course requirements:

 1. Active participation in the lectures, workshops, seminars and discussion during the course April 18-20;

  2. Readings BEFORE the course: Please, read carefully the readings before the course: all texts in the list of Readings, and the research papers of one (Thursday April the 19th afternoon) session, of your own choice, available in the Moodle in April;

  3. Tasks BEFORE the course: Please, write a 'task guided learning diary' on the readings (4 - 7 pages, font 12) and submit it to the course Moodle by Tuesday April the 17th noon (see TASKS); Prepare also comments for research papers in one of the Thursday April the 19th afternoon sessions;

 4. Final course work: please write either a learning diary or an essay that covers both the readings and course lectures, seminars and discussions by May the 15th, 2018. 

-- OBS. Those who present research papers in the course, please, submit your research papers into the Moodle by March the 31st.

TASKS for reading 

1) Analyse the phenomena of gender equality work and/or feminist politics; processes and practices related to gender equality work and/or feminist politics; opportunities and limits of gender equality work and/or feminist politics.

 2) What kind of research perspectives do you recognize in readings: What kind of theoretical and methodological argumentation have you detected in the readings? What does the specific approach mean to feminist politics? How do the research perspectives used in readings contribute to formulating feminist politics and action?

Write a "task guided learning diary" as you read, BEFORE the course, and complement the learning diary after the course to include the lectures and discussions during the course. 

Credits: Participants get 5-7,5 credits:

5 ECTS: A learning diary/essay (3000 words minimum) based on the lectures, workshops and seminars in the course, and the readings (500 pages), and a 'task guided learning diary' (4-7 p) before the course, and active participation in the course. Obs. one can improve the grade by doing the 'task guided learning diary' carefully (20 % of the grade comes from it and the active course participation), and one can use its text also in the final course work (80 % of the grade). The 5 ECTS module is meant especially for Master's students.

7,5 ECTS are given for active participation, including readings (500 pages) and a 'task guided learning diary' (4-7 p) before the course, and an essay (research paper of 4000-5000 words, graded pass/fail). The 7,5 ECTS module can be taken by any participant who writes a 4000-5000 w essay/research paper.

Enrolment for University Studies

Fill in application form
DL Dec 1, 2017


Marja Vehviläinen, Teacher responsible
Tiina Suopajärvi, Teacher


18-Apr-2018 – 20-Apr-2018
Lectures 6 hours
Thu 19-Apr-2018 at 9.00-12.00, L5026, Lecture by Julia Nentwich
Fri 20-Apr-2018 at 9.00-12.00, L5026, Lecture and workshop
Seminar 10 hours
Wed 18-Apr-2018 at 15.00-18.00, L5026 (L5028. L6017, L6018, L5038), Readings workshop
Thu 19-Apr-2018 at 13.00-18.00, L5026, L5017, Paper sessions 1-3
Fri 20-Apr-2018 at 13.00-14.45, L5026, Ending session


Numeric 1-5.

Evaluation criteria

The final course work of a learning diary/essay (80 %) and the 'task guided learning diary' + activity in the course (20 %).

Study materials

April the 18th Readings workshop: Acker, J. (2006) ‘Inequality Regimes: Gender, Class, and Race in Organizations’, Gender & Society 20:4, 441-464.;  Ahmed, S. (2012). Ch 1–3: pp.19–111 in On being included, Racism and Diversity in Institutional Life. Duke University Press.;  Mohanty, C. (2003) ‘Under the Western Eye: Decolonizing Feminist Theory’, 17-43, in Feminism without borders: Decolonizing theory, practicing solidarity. Duke University Press.; Rottenberg, C. (2014) ‘The Rise of Neoliberal Feminism’ in Cultural Studies. 28:3, 418-437; Rumens, N. et al (forthcoming in 2018) ’Queering Queer theory in Organization and Management studies: Queering Heterosexuality’ Organization Studies 0:0  http://eprints.mdx.ac.uk/22838/3/queering%20queer%20theory.pdf

Kantola, J. & Outshoorn, J. (2007). Changing State Feminism, in In J. Outshoorn & J. Kantola (eds.) Changing State Feminisms, MacMillan, 1–19.; Kantola & Lombardo (eds.) (2017): Ch 1 ‘Introduction’ (p.6- 30), Ch 12 ‘Conclusion’ (p. 258-271), Ch 11 ‘Austerity politics and feminist resistance in Finland: From established women’s organisations to new feminist initiatives’ (p. 231-255)  in Gender and Economic Crises in Europe: Politics, Institutions and Intersectionality.  

Brunila, K. & Ylöstalo, H. (2015). Challenging Inequalities in Education and in Working Life. A Mission Possible? J Education & Work 28(5), 443–460.; Gibson-Graham, J.K.  (2010) ‘A Feminist project of belonging for the Anthropocene’ in Gender, Place and Culture - J Feminist Geography 18:1, 1-21. www.communityeconomies.org         hooks, bell (2000) Ch 12 ‘Feminist Masculinity’ (p. 67-71), Ch 13 ‘Feminist Parenting’ (p. 72-77), Ch 14 ‘Liberating partnership and marriage’ (p.78-84), Ch 17 ‘To love again’ (p. 100-104) in Feminism is for Everybody: Passionate Politics. South End Press; Ikävalko, E. & Kantola, J. (2017) Feminist resistance and resistance to feminism in gender equality planning in Finland, European J Women’s Studies, vol 24 (3), 233-248.

Julia Nentwich, April the 19th : Berger, Benschop & Van den Brink (2015) Practising Gender When Networking: The Case of University–Industry Innovation Projects. Gender, Work and Organization Vol. 22 No. 6 Nov 2015, 556-578; Kelan, E. K. (2007) Tools and Toys: Communicating gendered positions towards technology. Information, Communication & Society Vol. 10 (3), 358–383. ; Nentwich, J. C. &  Kelan, E. K. (2014) Towards a Topology of ‘Doing Gender’: An Analysis of Empirical Research and Its Challenges. Gender, Work and Organization 21:2, 121-134.; Wassermann, V. & Ferkel, M. (2015) Spatial Work in Between Glass Ceilings and Glass Walls: Gender-Class Intersectionality and Organizational Aesthetics. Organization Studies, Vol. 36(11), 1485–1505. 

Transforming gendered practices, April the 20th : Abrahamsson, L. (2014) Gender and the modern organization, ten years afterNordic J Working Life Studies, 4(4), 109–136.; Coleman G. & Rippin A. (2000) Putting Feminist Theory to Work: Collaboration as a Means towards Organisational Change. Organization 7 (4), 573-587.; Frisby, W et al (2009) The ‘f’ word  has everything to do with it: How feminist theories inform action research. Action Research, 7, 1, 13–29.; Gouin, R. et al. (2011) Feminist Participatory Research in a Social Justice OrganizationAction Research, 9(3), 261–281; Heiskanen, T, & al. (2015) Gender Issues on Change Agenda – Practising Intersectionality in Action Research. Gender, Work & Organization. ; Parsons, E. & Priola, V. (2013) Agents for Change and Changed Agents: The Micro-politics of Change and Feminism in the AcademyGender, Work and Organization, 20(5), 580–598. 

Participants’ papers of one parallel session, April the 19th&

Further information

The course is organised in collaboration with the Nordic CoE Nordwit. The course participants will be Master's Students of the Gender Studies DP, and Doctoral Students and post doctoral researchers accross Nordic countries and beyond. Teachers: Julia Nentwich (St. Gallen), Tiina Suopajärvi, Minna Leinonen, Gabriele Griffin (Uppsala), Päivi Korvajärvi, Rebecca Lund, Marja Vehviläinen, Oili-Helena Ylijoki