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Archived teaching schedules 2013–2014
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MKAS3 Workshop on Media Literacies: Organization of an International Conference: Media Education Futures 2014 5 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
School of Communication, Media and Theatre

General description

Organization of an International Conference: Media Education Futures 2014 (5 ECTS).

The course aims to develop skills in organization of an international conference, specialized in media education. This practical course is integrated to the conference titled as Media Education Futures 2014 which takes place on the 8th-9th May 2014 at the University of Tampere, see more http://www.uta.fi/cmt/mediaeducationfutures/index.html.

Students work together with the conference team. Mainly the working hours take place during the conference.

Conference on May takes place mainly in Pinni Building.

Enrolment for University Studies

Max 15 students will be selected through the enrollment in Nettiopsu. The first meeting takes place on the 11th March at 12-16 and the second one on the 15th April at 12-16. Other meetings may take place in groups.

Enrolment time has expired


Sirkku Kotilainen, Teacher responsible
Reijo Kupiainen, Teacher responsible


11-Mar-2014 – 9-May-2014
Group work
First meetings
Tue 11-Mar-2014 at 12-16, Linna KH112
Tue 15-Apr-2014 at 12-16, Linna KH112
Thu 8-May-2014 at 9-16, Conference takes place mainly in Pinni Building
Fri 9-May-2014 at 9-13.30, Conference takes place mainly in Pinni Building

Evaluation criteria

Active participation, learning diary.