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Archived teaching schedules 2013–2014
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PEACE003 Research methods for 1st year students in the Programme 10 ECTS
Period I Period II Period II Period IV
Language of instruction
Type or level of studies
Advanced studies
Course unit descriptions in the curriculum
MP in Peace, Mediation and Conflict Research
Peace and Conflict Research
School of Social Sciences and Humanities

Learning outcomes

Course consists of two parts different parts: 1.Quantitative Research Methods

The aim is to enable the students to reflect and use quantitative research methods.
Students will be able
- to understand the methodology of quantitative research methods
- to identify different quantitative research methods
- to analyse data with one specified method for example regression or variance analysis

2.Qualitative Research Methods.

This part focuses on qualitative research methods in general, and on specified methods such as ethnography, discourse analysis and narrative analysis. The methodology and the practices of qualitative research methods are discussed. The aim is to enable the students to reflect and use qualitative research methods. Students will be able
- to understand the methodology of qualitative research methods
- to identify different qualitative research methods
- to analyse data with one specified method for example discourse analysis or narrative analysis

General description

Attendance is compulsory to all 1st year Peace-students and absence need to be compensated.

Aim: This course introduces to students how to choose their research topic, frameworks and questions. It also offers an introduction to selected methodical approaches relevant in peace and conflict studies.
