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Archived teaching schedules 2011–2012
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Examination Days
Examination in faculty

Departmental Examinations - International Relations and Political Science

All set book (general) exams in International Relations and Political Science are to be taken via the Electronic Exam Service. For further information on taking exams at the University of Tampere, please see: http://www.uta.fi/studies/examinations/index.html.

In case a module/course unit one wishes to take in English does not appear on the available examination list (see the link above), please contact the teacher responsible for the said module in order to agree on set books or possible other forms of individual work required to complete the module.

Results of the examinations are posted on the Department's notice board in Linna (5th floor) and they are also published in Wentti (virtual results service).

Departmental Examiners 2012–2012

For the specific course/module requirements & reading lists, please see the Curricula Guide.

International Relations

Basic Studies
Instructor Anna-Riitta Salomäki
KVPOP2-KVPOP3, see below (KVPOA2, KVPOA3 or KVPOA4 examiner)
KVPOP4-KVPOP5 Instructor Anna-Riitta Salomäki

Intermediate Studies
Senior Assistant Eero Palmujoki
KVPOA2 Instructor Helle Palu
KVPOA3 Professor Pami Aalto
KVPOA4 Lecturer Tarja Seppä

ISSS Bachelor's degree programme requirements/International Relations
KVPIB4A1 Finnish Foreign and Security Policy 4 ECTS - Heino Nyyssönen
KVPIB4A2 Disciplinary History, Theory Formation and Philosophical Foundations 3 ECTS - Anna-Riitta Salomäki
KVPIB7A1 World Politics 8 ECTS - Helle Palu
KVPIB8A1 European Integration 8 ECTS - Dicle Korkmaz
KVPIB8A2 Peace and Conflict Research 7 ECTS - Tarja Seppä

Departmental Adviser in International Relations: Lecturer Tarja Seppä, tarja.seppa(at)uta.fi. Office hour: Mon 12-13 o'clock, Linna rm. 5096.

Political Science

Basic Studies
VALTP1-VALTP3 Instructor Erika Säynässalo
VALTP4-VALTP5 Instructor Jarmo Rinne

Intermediate Studies
University Lecturer Mikko Lahtinen
VALTA2 University Lecturer Rauli Mickelsson
VALTA3-VALTA4 University Lecturer Mikko Lahtinen
VALTA5-VALTA6 University Lecturer Rauli Mickelsson
VALTA7 Professor Tapio Raunio
VALTA8 University Lecturer Rauli Mickelsson
VALTA9 (minor subject students) Professor Ilkka Ruostetsaari

Advanced Studies
VALTS1 Professor Ilkka Ruostetsaari
VALTS2a-b Professor Heikki Paloheimo
VALTS2c-d Professor Ilkka Ruostetsaari
VALTS2e-f Professor Tapio Raunio
VALTS2g-h Professor Heikki Paloheimo

ISSS Bachelor's degree programme requirements/Political Science
Introduction to Political Science 3 ECTS - Erika Säynässalo
VALIB4C2 Politics and Ideologies in Modern Europe 4 ECTS - Erika Säynässalo
VALIB7C1 Finnish and Nordic Politics 8 ECTS - Erika Säynässalo
Europe and Globalization 8 ECTS - Tapio Raunio
VALIB8C2 Political Participation 7 ECTS - Jarmo Rinne

Departmental Adviser in Political Science: University Lecturer Mikko Lahtinen, mikko.i.lahtinen(at)uta.fi. Office hour: Mon 12-13 o'clock, Linna rm. 5097.