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Archived teaching schedules 2013–2014
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Examination Days
Examination in faculty


EXAMS DAYS 2013–2014

Information Studies and Interactive Media:

If you want to complete a book exam or write an essay in English, please see the following website.

School exams on Thursdays 16–20, D10a+b

Autumn term 2013

Thu 26.09.2013 16–20

Thu 24.10.2013 16–20

Thu 7.11.2013 16–20

Thu 28.11.2013 16–20

Thu 12.12.2013 16–20

Mon 16.12.2013  12-16

Thu 19.12.2013 12–16

Spring term 2014

Thu 09.01.2014 16–20

Thu 30.01.2014 16–20

Thu 27.02.2014 16–20

Thu 13.03.2014 16–20

Thu 24.04.2014 16–20

Thu 08.05.2014 16–20

Mon 19.05.2014 12–16

Wed 21.05.2014 12–16

Exam lists for each exam day can be found in NettiOpsu.


Examination in degree programs
Informaatiotutkimuksen ja interaktiivisen median maisteriopinnot
Degree Programme in Mathematics and Statistics
Degree Programme in Computer Sciences

Intermediate studies

  • TIETA8 Software Engineering, 5 ECTS available in Electronic Exam service on periods I-IV
  • For M.Sc. Degree Students: TIEVA36 Priciples of Usability, User Experience and User Interfaces, available on periods I and III see instructions on course homepage

MDP in Human-Technology Interaction

Degree Programme in Information Studies and Interactive Media

If you want to complete a book exam or write an essay in English, please contact the responsible teacher first - see the list below. The teacher gives you instructions for the exam and reading. Textbooks can be borrowed from the University Library, Linna Building. See also Nelli Portal for e-journals.

Intermediate (Bachelor's level) book exams and essays

ITIA13 Knowledge organization 5 ECTS Teacher: sanna.kumpulainen@uta.fi
ITIA15 Organizational information management 5 ECTS Teacher: mikko.ahonen@uta.fi
ITIA23 Research of Interactive Online Services, Games and Internet 5 ECTS Teacher: frans.mayra@uta.fi. Book exam available through electronic examinations service.
ITIA24 Interactive Media, Society and Culture 5 ECTS Teacher: annakaisa.kultima@uta.fi.
ITIA32 Information Literacy 5 ECTS Teacher: heidi.a.hongisto@uta.fi
ITIA33 New literacies 5 ECTS Teacher: mika.mustikkamaki@uta.fi
ITIA42 Information retrieval 5 ECTS Teacher: paavo.arvola@uta.fi
ITIA54 Scientific communication and bibliometrics 5 ECTS Teacher: anna.mikkonen@uta.fi. Book exam available through electronic examinations service.

Advanced (Master's level) book exams and essays

ITIS12 Information Retrieval Methods 5 ECTS Teacher: kalervo.jarvelin@uta.fi
ITIS22 Information Practices in Work-related Contexts 5 ECTS Teacher: reijo.savolainen@uta.fi
ITIS23 Everyday Information Practices 5 ECTS Teacher: reijo.savolainen@uta.fi
ITIS31 Knowledge management 5 ECTS Teacher: mikko.ahonen@uta.fi
ITIS55 History of Internet and Game Studies 5 ECTS Teacher: annakaisa.kultima@uta.fi (History of Game Studies), frans.mayra@uta.fi (History of Internet and New Media Studies). Book exam available through electronic examinations service.
ITIS56 Classics of Internet and Game Studies 5 ECTS Teacher: annakaisa.kultima@uta.fi (Classics of Game Studies), frans.mayra@uta.fi (Classics of Internet and New Media Studies). Book exam available through electronic examinations service.

Master's Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies

ITIS55 History of Internet and Game Studies 5 ECTS Teacher: annakaisa.kultima@uta.fi (History of Game Studies), frans.mayra@uta.fi (History of Internet and New Media Studies). Book exam available through electronic examinations service.

ITIS56 Classics of Internet and Game Studies 5 ECTS Teacher: annakaisa.kultima@uta.fi (Classics of Game Studies), frans.mayra@uta.fi (Classics of Internet and New Media Studies). Book exam available through electronic examinations service.