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Archived teaching schedules 2017–2018
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.

Course units in the curriculum that can be completed in foreign languages

The list contains those course units that are available for exchange students. The list includes all such units, regardless of whether they are taught units or ones that can only be completed through independent study, e.g. by taking a book examination or by writing an essay. Please note that not all the units on the list can necessarily be completed in English.
Master's Programme in English Language and Literature
Master's Programme in Media Culture
Media Management as Free Choice Studies
Speech Communication as Free Choice Studies
Communication Sciences, Free Choice Studies
Master?s Degree Programme in Internet and Game Studies
Cultural Studies as Free Choice Studies (from autumn semester 2016)
Master's Programme in Speech Communication
Bachelor's Programme in French Language
Master's Programme in Media Literacy Education
Study Module in Media and Cultural Studies as Free Choice Studies
General Linguistics
Optional Studies in Finnish Language for Other Degree Programmes
Optional Studies in Information Studies and Interactive Media for Other Degree Programmes
Finnish Language and Culture
Optional Studies in French Language for Other Degree Programmes
Optional Studies in German Language, Culture and Translation for Other Degree Programmes
Master's Programme in Scandinavian Languages
Digitality, Media and Language
Bachelor's Programme in English Language, Literature and Translation
Master's Programme in Narrative Theory and Textuality
Estonian Language and Culture
German Language and Culture
Optional Studies in Multilingual Communication and Translation Studies
Romanian language
Russian Studies
Bachelor's Programme in Journalism and Communication
Perspectives on the Practices of Journalism and Communication
Open University Studies
French Language and Society
Master's Programme in Journalism and Media Studies
Human-Technology Interaction as Free Choice Studies
Master's Programme in French Language
Media Education as Free Choice Studies
Optional Studies in English Language, Literature and Translation
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information Studies and Interactive Media
Czech language
Optional Studies in Russian Language, Culture and Translation for Other Degree Programmes
MasterĀ“s Programme in Information Studies and Interactive Media
Optional Studies in Scandinavian Languages for Other Degree Programmes
Basics of Multilingual Communication and Translation Studies
Bachelor's Programme in Finnish Language
Swedish Translation Studies
Master's Degree Programme in Human-Technology Interaction
Language, Translation and Literary Studies, Free Choice Studies
Optional Studies in Literary Studies for Other Degree Programmes
Finnish for Translators
Study Module in Multiculturalism and Multilingualism
Master's Degree Programme in Media Education
Master's Programme in German Language and Culture
Bachelor's Programme in German Language, Culture and Translation
Matkailualan monitieteiset opinnot
Translation Studies
Master's Degree Programme in Media Management
Master's Programme in Popular and Folk Music
Russian Language, Culture and Society
Master's Programme in Russian Language and Culture
Workplace Communication
Bachelor's Programme in Scandinavian Languages
Master's Degree Programme in Cultural Studies (2016-2018)
Master's Programme in Multilingual Communication and Translation Studies
Bachelor's Programme in Literary Studies
Bachelor's Programme in Russian Language, Culture and Translation