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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Master's Programme in Computer Science


Period I (29-Aug-2016 – 23-Oct-2016)
Period II (24-Oct-2016 – 16-Dec-2016)
Period III (9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017)
Period IV (6-Mar-2017 – 28-May-2017)

More advanced level courses given in English in Computer Sciences can be found on the teaching schedules of

  • Master's Degree Programme in Software Development,
  • Master's Degree Programme in Human-Technology Interaction and
  • Master's Degree Programme in Computational Big Data Analytics.
Period (29-Aug-2016 - 23-Oct-2016)
Advanced studies in CS [Period I]

Recommended preceding studies:

  • TIETA6 Data Structures and
  • MTTTP1 Introduction to statistics

Or equivalent courses.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
31-Aug-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies

Priority is given to students in Computer Sciences (UTA)

Enrolment time has expired
14-Sep-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Preceding studies B.Sc. Degree in computer sciences or equivalent studies.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
25-Oct-2016 – 20-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
1-Sep-2016 – 23-Oct-2016
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Sep-2016 – 15-Jan-2017
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Practical work and written report. Final presentations on January 2017

Enrolment for University Studies

Join course's Moodle-forum to enroll the course. See instructions on the course homepage

1-Aug-2016 – 31-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam

See the full description on the UniPiD courses website

Enrolment for University Studies

Please register to the course on the UniPID website
Registration dates: 1. - 30.9.2016

Enrolment time has expired
10-Oct-2016 – 3-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Complementing and Optional Studies [Period I]

Recommended preceding studies: TIEPT Basic Studies in Computer Sciences, TIEA2.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, TIETA8 Software Engineering, TIETA12 WWW Programming, TIEVS81 Usability Evaluation Methods, TIEVA38 Graphical User Interface Design Project

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Sep-2016 – 15-Jan-2017
Periods: I II III
Language of instruction: English

Preceding studies: About 50 ECTS in computer sciences.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enroll on course in NettiOpsu and to the Projects in the Demolan page http://tampere.demola.net/

Enrolment time has expired
7-Sep-2016 – 31-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (24-Oct-2016 - 16-Dec-2016)
Advanced studies in CS [Period II]

Recommended preceding studies:

  • TIETA6 Data Structures and
  • MTTTP1 Introduction to statistics

Or equivalent courses.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
31-Aug-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies

Priority is given to students in Computer Sciences (UTA)

Enrolment time has expired
14-Sep-2016 – 16-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English

Preceding studies B.Sc. Degree in computer sciences or equivalent studies.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
25-Oct-2016 – 20-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Sep-2016 – 15-Jan-2017
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Practical work and written report. Final presentations on January 2017

Enrolment for University Studies

Join course's Moodle-forum to enroll the course. See instructions on the course homepage

1-Aug-2016 – 31-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam

Enrolment for University Studies

If more than 40 students enroll priority will be given to 1) the students in the Master's Degree Programme in Computational Big Data Analytics, 2) the students in the Master's Degree Programme in Software Development, and 3) the students in the Master's Programme in Information Studies and Interactive Media, Specialization in Information Practices.

Enrolment time has expired
24-Oct-2016 – 31-Dec-2016
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Recommended preceding studies: TIEP3 Data Bases ITIA4 Introduction to information retrieval TIETA17 Introduction to Big Data Processing

See the full description on the UniPiD courses website

Enrolment for University Studies

Please register to the course on the UniPID website
Registration dates: 1. - 30.9.2016

Enrolment time has expired
10-Oct-2016 – 3-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Complementing and Optional Studies [Period II]

Recommended preceding studies: TIEPT Basic Studies in Computer Sciences, TIEA2.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, TIETA8 Software Engineering, TIETA12 WWW Programming, TIEVS81 Usability Evaluation Methods, TIEVA38 Graphical User Interface Design Project

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Sep-2016 – 15-Jan-2017
Periods: I II III
Language of instruction: English

Preceding studies: About 50 ECTS in computer sciences.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enroll on course in NettiOpsu and to the Projects in the Demolan page http://tampere.demola.net/

Enrolment time has expired
7-Sep-2016 – 31-Dec-2016
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (9-Jan-2017 - 5-Mar-2017)
Advanced studies in CS [Period III]
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 31-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
13-Jan-2017 – 31-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Practical work and written report

Enrolment for University Studies

Join course's Moodle-forum to enroll the course. See instructions on the course homepage

1-Aug-2016 – 31-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Note. You can not include both MAT-72006 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures  7 ECTS (TUT) and this course in your M.Sc. degree (120 ECTS).

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
17-Jan-2017 – 23-Feb-2017
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
9-Jan-2017 –
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

This course is organized by TUT and UTA students must

  1. Apply for study right through Service for Cross-Institutional Studies.
  2. Make sure to apply for the right to study well in advance so that you have enough time to also activate the user account of TUT and
  3. to sign up for the studies according to the schedules of TUT.

Read carefully the UTA instructions.

This course cannot be taken if student has done TIETS39 Machine Learning Algorithms.

Note. The prerequisite SGN -courses are not required from UTA students.

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 30-Apr-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course belongs to followig study modules

  • in CBDA “Advanced Courses in Methods of Computational Data Analytics"
  • in SDE “Optional Course Unit in Software Development”
  • in CS "Advanced studies" in Computational methods and data bases and information retrieval.
Complementing and Optional Studies [Period III]

Recommended preceding studies: TIEPT Basic Studies in Computer Sciences, TIEA2.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, TIETA8 Software Engineering, TIETA12 WWW Programming, TIEVS81 Usability Evaluation Methods, TIEVA38 Graphical User Interface Design Project

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Sep-2016 – 15-Jan-2017
Periods: I II III
Language of instruction: English

Recommended preceding studies: TIEPT Basic Studies in Computer Sciences, TIEA2.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, TIETA8 Software Engineering, TIETA12 WWW Programming, TIEVS81 Usability Evaluation Methods, TIEVA38 Graphical User Interface Design Project

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
13-Jan-2017 – 31-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Preceding studies: About 50 ECTS in computer sciences.

Enrolment for University Studies

See instructions on course web page

11-Jan-2017 – 31-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Period (6-Mar-2017 - 28-May-2017)
Advanced studies in CS [Period IV]
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 31-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
13-Jan-2017 – 31-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Practical work and written report

Enrolment for University Studies

Join course's Moodle-forum to enroll the course. See instructions on the course homepage

1-Aug-2016 – 31-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Electronic exam

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
9-Jan-2017 – 30-Apr-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

The course belongs to followig study modules

  • in CBDA “Advanced Courses in Methods of Computational Data Analytics"
  • in SDE “Optional Course Unit in Software Development”
  • in CS "Advanced studies" in Computational methods and data bases and information retrieval.

Mietityttääkö gradun aloitus? Etsitkö aihetta gradullesi?

Jos olet aloittamassa gradua kesällä tai tulevana syksynä, tilaisuus on sinua varten!

Maanantaina 22.5. info- ja keskustelutilaisuuksia pro gradu -tutkielmaa aloittaville opiskelijoille

klo 12-14 Tietojenkäsittelyopin maisteriopinnot

klo 14-15 Software Development

HTI -ohjelman tilaisuus pidetään syksyllä, alustava aika to 7.9.

Ohjelmassa mm. 

- infoa pro gradun aloituksesta ja aiheen/ohjaajan löytämisestä
- mahdollisia ohjaajia ja aihelaueita
- keskustelua

Tilaisuutta koskevia kysymyksiä voi lähettää ennakkoon opintokoordinaattorille (Heli Rikala, cs-studies@uta.fi)


Need inspiraton for thesis subject?

Have you already started planning your thesis? Do you need inspiration and ideas to come up with a reasonable thesis subject?

You are warmly welcome to find out about the SDE research conducted in LUO and to get thesis subject tips from the professors and teachers on

Monday 22nd May, 14–15
in lounge, Pinni B1029-30

Before SDE there is an event for students in Computer Sciences in Finnish on
Monday 22nd May 12-14
in lounge, Pinni B1029-30

HTI -thesis event will be on September 2017 (planned to be on Thu 7.9.2017)

If you already have questions/comments in mind about the meeting, please send a note to Heli Rikala (cs-studies@uta.fi)!

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Complementing and Optional Studies [Period IV]

Recommended preceding studies: TIEPT Basic Studies in Computer Sciences, TIEA2.1 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, TIETA8 Software Engineering, TIETA12 WWW Programming, TIEVS81 Usability Evaluation Methods, TIEVA38 Graphical User Interface Design Project

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
13-Jan-2017 – 31-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Preceding studies: About 50 ECTS in computer sciences.

Enrolment for University Studies

See instructions on course web page

11-Jan-2017 – 31-May-2017
Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English

Project Work course can be studied during summer 2017 by participating in a Smart Campus project.

More information on summer projects will be published on the Smart Campus website in May.

Enrolment for University Studies

* Hae projekteihin viimeistään 22.5.
* Apply for projects no later than 22.5.

22-May-2017 – 31-Jul-2017
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English