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Archived teaching schedules 2014–2015
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Open university teaching


Period IV (16-Mar-2015 – 31-Jul-2015)

Teaching in the Spring Semester 2015

Period (16-Mar-2015 – 31-Jul-2015)

Englannin kielen ja kirjallisuuden perusopinnot valinnaisina opintoina 30op, lähiopetus, Tampere, kesät 2015 ja 2016 KEVÄÄN haku 19.2.2015

ENGP1 Structure of English I - Grammar I 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
ENGP1 Structure of English I - Phonology and Pronunciation I 2 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
ENGP2 Writing the Nation 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
ENGP3 Translation and Academic Writing - Introduction to Academic Writing 3 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)