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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Politics


Period I (29-Aug-2016 – 23-Oct-2016)
Period II (24-Oct-2016 – 16-Dec-2016)
Period III (9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017)
Period IV (6-Mar-2017 – 28-May-2017)

Please note that admission to courses may be restricted to students of the Degree Programme in Politics (incl. exchange students who have Politics as a major subject). For further information on enrolment, course contents, requirements etc., please contact the teacher in charge.

Course units and modules in the curricula of the degree programme that are not offered as taught courses in English this academic year may be completed by independent study (book exams, essay papers etc.): please see the 'Examinations' section of the teaching schedule. For further information on this option, please contact the teacher/examiner in charge of each course unit/module.

Basic studies (introductory courses) in Politics can be completed by book examinations. For further information, please see the 'Examinations' section of the teaching schedule.

Teaching in the Autumn Semester 2016

Period (29-Aug-2016 – 23-Oct-2016)

Intermediate Studies

POLKVA31 From Multilateralism to Global Governance 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
POLKVA41 New Forms of Violence in a Changing Security-scape 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
POLVOA21/22/S22 Member States and EU Policy-making 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
NAMIII/VI Voting Behavior and Elections in America 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
JKKYOA12 Fighting against Social Injustices and Human Rights Violations 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
Period (24-Oct-2016 – 16-Dec-2016)

Intermediate Studies

POLKVA21 Integration and Disintegration in Europe: Theory and Practice 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
POLKVA23 Energy Policy in Transition 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
RES008/POLKVA32 Russian Foreign Policy from Gorbachev to Putin 3–5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
POLKVA41 New Forms of Violence in a Changing Security-scape 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
POLVOA22/S22 Going, going, gone? The British EU Referendum of June 23, 2016 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
POLVOA31/A32 ´Democratic Innovations´ and the Future of Representative Democracy 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
NAMIII/VI Voting Behavior and Elections in America 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
POLVOA32 Introduction to the Finnish Political System and Political History 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
POLVOA42/S25/33 Political Discourse Analysis 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
JKKYOA12 Fighting against Social Injustices and Human Rights Violations 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

Teaching in the Spring Semester 2017

Period (9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017)

Intermediate Studies

POLKVA31 Sino-Indian Issues, Asian Security 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
POLVOA31/32/52 Democracy and Representation 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
POLVOA32/S27 The Personalisation of Politics 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
SOS09.4/POLKVA4 Feminist Perspectives on Global Politics 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
Period (6-Mar-2017 – 28-May-2017)

Intermediate Studies

POLKVA31 Sino-Indian Issues, Asian Security 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
POLVOA22/S22 The Euro Crisis in Perspective 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
POLVOA41/42/S23 Concepts in Movement: Developing a New Dictionary for Civic Activism 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)