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Archived teaching schedules 2013–2014
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Bachelor's Degree Programme in Computer Sciences


Period I (2-Sep-2013 – 18-Oct-2013)
Period II (21-Oct-2013 – 13-Dec-2013)
Period III (7-Jan-2014 – 7-Mar-2014)
Period IV (10-Mar-2014 – 16-May-2014)

Teaching in basic and intermediate level is mostly in Finnish. Some courses can be taken in English by self studying and exams. See Examination Dates

Teaching in the Autumn Semester 2013

Period (2-Sep-2013 – 18-Oct-2013)

Language Studies

KKENLUK Introduction to Academic English / SIS 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Intermediate Studies in Computer Sciences

TIEA4 Project Work 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
SISYA200 Innovation Project (Fall 2013) 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
TIETA8 Software Engineering 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
Period (21-Oct-2013 – 13-Dec-2013)

Language Studies

KKENLUK Introduction to Academic English / SIS 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
KKENYHT Introduction to Academic English / RPL (näyttökoe) 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Intermediate Studies in Computer Sciences

TIEA4 Project Work 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
SISYA200 Innovation Project (Fall 2013) 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
TIETA8 Software Engineering 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
TIETA16 Course&Workshop in Computer Science - Mobile Data Base Systems 1 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Teaching in the Spring Semester 2014

Period (7-Jan-2014 – 7-Mar-2014)

Language Studies

KKENLUK Introduction to Academic English / SIS 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)

Intermediate Studies in Computer Sciences

TIEA4 Project Work 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
TIEA5 Tutkielmakurssi/Thesis Course (sis. kandidaattitutkielma), kevät 10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
TIETA8 Software Engineering 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
TIEVA31 Principles of Programming Graphical User Interfaces (starts on period IV) 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
SISYA200 Innovation Project (Spring 2014) 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English)
Opetusta TTY:llä/Teaching in TUT   (Language of instruction: English)
Period (10-Mar-2014 – 16-May-2014)

Language Studies

KKENLUK Introduction to Academic English / SIS 4 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period

Intermediate Studies in Computer Sciences

TIEA5 Tutkielmakurssi/Thesis Course (sis. kandidaattitutkielma), kevät 10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
TIETA8 Software Engineering 5 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
TIEVA31 Principles of Programming Graphical User Interfaces (starts on period IV) 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
SISYA200 Innovation Project (Spring 2014) 5–10 ECTS (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period
Opetusta TTY:llä/Teaching in TUT   (Language of instruction: English) Continues from the previous period