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Archived teaching schedules 2010–2011
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Journalism and Mass Communication


Period I (1-Sep-2010 – 22-Oct-2010)
Period II (25-Oct-2010 – 17-Dec-2010)
Period III (10-Jan-2011 – 4-Mar-2011)
Period IV (7-Mar-2011 – 13-May-2011)
Period (1-Sep-2010 - 22-Oct-2010)
Intermediate Studies: Media Culture and Communication Research [Period I]

The lectures and exercises of the course aim at developing a theoretical and methodological basis for a comparative analysis of public service media worldwide. The lectures will focus on description and analysis of public service broadcasting in the Nordic countries; history and development, structure & remit, organization, funding, programming and production, construction of audiences, performance. This kind of broadcasting oriented view is then contrasted and discussed in relation to the new identity of public service broadcasting as public service media. Through student work in the course the lectures are complemented by a comparative European and global view. The main assignment for the students is to produce basic comparative data from their respective countries of origin by making use of the analytic scheme of the lectures. The web pages of broadcasters and similar Internet sources will be used as main measures to collect the needed information for student work. The students will also be instructed shortly for the use of electronic sources of the Tampere University Library.

Lectures and exercises 21 h.

Enrolment for University Studies

Advance registration required. Max. 25 students.

Enrolment time has expired
9-Sep-2010 – 21-Oct-2010
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English
Journalistic Studies I [Period I]

Journalism for Social Change (5 ECTS) is an online course initiated by Vikes (The Finnish Foundation for Media, Communication and Development) and IPS Finland (Inter Press Service News Agency Finland) as an integral part of their project called Kulmakivi (cornerstone, referring to the role of journalism in democracy). More information in English...

Journalism for Social Change (5 op) on Viestintä ja kehitys -säätiön (Vikes) ja IPS:n Kulmakivi-hankkeessa syntynyt englanninkielinen verkko-opintojakso. Tietoa kurssista suomeksi...

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrollment by email to sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi. Deadline: 8.9.2010 at 16:00.
Priority to the students of journalism and international exchange students. / Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostitse: sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi 8.9.2010 kello 16 menessä. Etusija journalismin opiskelijoilla ja vaihto-opiskelijoilla.

13-Sep-2010 – 3-Dec-2010
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
  • 21 September 9-12 Lowe at UTA
  • 28 September 9-12 Lugmayr on innovative thinking in media business at TUT
  • 2 November 9-12 Lowe on project management at TUT
  • 9 November 9-12 Lugmayr on frontiers of media technology at UTA
  • 16 November 9-12 Lowe on knowledge management at UTA
  • 7 December 9-12 Student presentations
Enrolment for University Studies

This course is mainly for Media management students. Other students should contact professor Gregory F. Lowe (greg.lowe @ uta.fi).

21-Sep-2010 – 7-Dec-2010
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Journalistic Studies II [Period I]

Journalism for Social Change (5 ECTS) is an online course initiated by Vikes (The Finnish Foundation for Media, Communication and Development) and IPS Finland (Inter Press Service News Agency Finland) as an integral part of their project called Kulmakivi (cornerstone, referring to the role of journalism in democracy). More information in English...

Journalism for Social Change (5 op) on Viestintä ja kehitys -säätiön (Vikes) ja IPS:n Kulmakivi-hankkeessa syntynyt englanninkielinen verkko-opintojakso. Tietoa kurssista suomeksi...

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrollment by email to sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi. Deadline: 8.9.2010 at 16:00.
Priority to the students of journalism and international exchange students. / Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostitse: sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi 8.9.2010 kello 16 menessä. Etusija journalismin opiskelijoilla ja vaihto-opiskelijoilla.

13-Sep-2010 – 3-Dec-2010
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (25-Oct-2010 - 17-Dec-2010)
Intermediate Studies: Media Culture and Communication Research [Period II]

The course is part of an international Master`s programme on Global Journalism organized by Örebro University in Sweden (http://www.magj.se/). The module on Media and Development is taught in cooperation with the universities of Helsinki (Journalism) and Tampere (Journalism and Mass Communication) and is open to students of these universities as well.

The course is taught during one intensive week (No 45): in Helsinki on 8-10 November (Monday-Wednesday) and in Tampere 11-12 November (Thursday-Friday). The first part in Helsinki covers theories of development in relation to media in general (3 ECTS) and the second part in Tampere focuses on the particular aspect of climate change (see: TIEDAM6 Media and Climate Change) (2 ECTS). Both parts include 10 classroom hours and some readings and they can be taken either together or separately. Students of both universities have the right to attend both parts, but travel arrangements are up to each student.


Students at the University of Tampere: through NettiOpsu -system.

Students from other universities: please fill the registration form by 25.10.2010.


Enrolment for University Studies

Max. 15 students

Enrolment time has expired
8-Nov-2010 – 10-Nov-2010
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English

The course is part of an international Master`s programme on Global Journalism organized by Örebro University in Sweden (http://www.magj.se/). The module on Media and Development is taught in cooperation with the universities of Helsinki (Journalism) and Tampere (Journalism and Mass
Communication) and is open to students of these universities as well.

The course is taught during one intensive week (No 45): in Helsinki on 8-10 November (Monday-Wednesday) and in Tampere 11-12 November (Thursday-Friday). The first part in Helsinki covers theories of development in relation to media in general (see: Media and Development) (3 ECTS) and the second part in Tampere focuses on the particular aspect of climate change (2 ECTS). Both parts include 10 classroom hours and some readings and they can be taken either together or separately. Students of both universities have the right to attend both parts, but travel arrangements are up to each student.

Students can gain additional credits by participating in seminar session on 25.-26.11. in Tampere.


Students at the University of Tampere: through NettiOpsu -system.

Students from other universities: please fill the registration form by 25.10.2010.

Enrolment for University Studies

Max. 30 students

Enrolment time has expired
11-Nov-2010 – 12-Nov-2010
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English

The course aims to give students an overview of Finnish communication studies on computer mediated communication, discussed by visiting on-line teachers from member departments of University Networks for Communication Sciences. Weekly discussions and learning diaries. Preassignment.

Selection Order:

1. International degree and exchange students of the Department (Oman laitoksen ulkomaiset tutkinto- ja vaihto-opiskelijat)
2. Finnish degree students of the Department (Oman laitoksen suomalaiset pääaineen opiskelijat)
3. International minor subject students (Ulkomaiset sivuaineen opiskelijat)
4. Finnish minor subject students (Suomalaiset sivuaineen opiskelijat)

Organised by the University Network for Communication Sciences.

Enrolment for University Studies

Registration deadline 18-Oct-2010 at 16:00.

25-Oct-2010 – 17-Dec-2010
Periods: II
Language of instruction: English
Journalistic Studies I [Period II]

Journalism for Social Change (5 ECTS) is an online course initiated by Vikes (The Finnish Foundation for Media, Communication and Development) and IPS Finland (Inter Press Service News Agency Finland) as an integral part of their project called Kulmakivi (cornerstone, referring to the role of journalism in democracy). More information in English...

Journalism for Social Change (5 op) on Viestintä ja kehitys -säätiön (Vikes) ja IPS:n Kulmakivi-hankkeessa syntynyt englanninkielinen verkko-opintojakso. Tietoa kurssista suomeksi...

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrollment by email to sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi. Deadline: 8.9.2010 at 16:00.
Priority to the students of journalism and international exchange students. / Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostitse: sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi 8.9.2010 kello 16 menessä. Etusija journalismin opiskelijoilla ja vaihto-opiskelijoilla.

13-Sep-2010 – 3-Dec-2010
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
  • 21 September 9-12 Lowe at UTA
  • 28 September 9-12 Lugmayr on innovative thinking in media business at TUT
  • 2 November 9-12 Lowe on project management at TUT
  • 9 November 9-12 Lugmayr on frontiers of media technology at UTA
  • 16 November 9-12 Lowe on knowledge management at UTA
  • 7 December 9-12 Student presentations
Enrolment for University Studies

This course is mainly for Media management students. Other students should contact professor Gregory F. Lowe (greg.lowe @ uta.fi).

21-Sep-2010 – 7-Dec-2010
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Journalistic Studies II [Period II]

Journalism for Social Change (5 ECTS) is an online course initiated by Vikes (The Finnish Foundation for Media, Communication and Development) and IPS Finland (Inter Press Service News Agency Finland) as an integral part of their project called Kulmakivi (cornerstone, referring to the role of journalism in democracy). More information in English...

Journalism for Social Change (5 op) on Viestintä ja kehitys -säätiön (Vikes) ja IPS:n Kulmakivi-hankkeessa syntynyt englanninkielinen verkko-opintojakso. Tietoa kurssista suomeksi...

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrollment by email to sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi. Deadline: 8.9.2010 at 16:00.
Priority to the students of journalism and international exchange students. / Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostitse: sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi 8.9.2010 kello 16 menessä. Etusija journalismin opiskelijoilla ja vaihto-opiskelijoilla.

13-Sep-2010 – 3-Dec-2010
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (10-Jan-2011 - 4-Mar-2011)
Intermediate Studies: Media Culture and Communication Research [Period III]

This multidisciplinary Current Issues -course aims to give an overview of Finnish communications studies on democarcy and citizenship. Each week you'll be required to do different activities, usually based on at least one of the provided articles. Weekly discussions and learning diaries. Preassignment.

Organised by University Network for Communication Sciences.

Online course

Enrolment for University Studies

OBS! Students should enrol through the institution s/he has the right to study. Enrolment at the University of Tampere:

24-Jan-2011 – 13-Mar-2011
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English

The course gives general view on Russian media and presents various points of view to Russian media. The main focus is on the realisation of freedom of speech in Russian media. The course will discuss freedom of speech in Soviet media, liberation under Gorbachev, freedom of speech under Eltsin era, as well as challenges to freedom of speech under Putin and Medvedev. The course will pay attention also to development of freedom of speech in other former Soviet countries.

The course is organized in cooperation with Aleksanteri Institute's Russian and East European Master's School.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrollment via NettiOpsu during the period of 10.12.2010 - 10.1.2011.

Enrolment time has expired
13-Jan-2011 – 24-Feb-2011
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Mar-2011 - 13-May-2011)
Intermediate Studies: Media Culture and Communication Research [Period IV]

This multidisciplinary Current Issues -course aims to give an overview of Finnish communications studies on rehtoric, persuasion and effects. Each week you'll be required to do different activities, usually based on at least one of the provided articles. Weekly discussions and learning diaries. Preassignment.

Organised by University Network for Communication Sciences.

Online course

Enrolment for University Studies

OBS! Students should enrol through the institution s/he has the right to study. Enrolment at the University of Tampere:

14-Mar-2011 – 30-Apr-2011
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Journalism for Social Change (5 ECTS) is an online course initiated by Vikes (The Finnish Foundation for Media, Communication and Development) and IPS Finland (Inter Press Service News Agency Finland) as an integral part of their project called Kulmakivi (cornerstone, referring to the role of journalism in democracy). The online course was piloted in 2010 and will be organized again in 2011. It is directed at journalism and communication students in higher education institutions in Finland and in Southern partner countries.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrollment by email to sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi. Deadline: 28.2.2011 at 16:00.
4 students will be selected. Priority to the students of journalism and international exchange students. / Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostitse: sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi 28.2.2011 kello 16 menessä. Etusija journalismin opiskelijoilla ja vaihto-opiskelijoilla. Kurssille on 4 paikkaa Tampereen opiskelijoille.

7-Mar-2011 – 31-May-2011
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Journalistic Studies I [Period IV]

For further information: see homepage.

Kurssin opintopisteet (5) voi käyttää Journalistiikka 1:n maisteriopintojen kohtaan S3 Projektiopinnot tai S2JB Valinnaiset kurssit. Korvaavuuden saamiseksi ota yhteys kurssin suorittamisen jälkeen Ari Heinoseen (ari.a.heinonen@uta.fi).

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
14-Mar-2011 – 20-Apr-2011
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English

Journalism for Social Change (5 ECTS) is an online course initiated by Vikes (The Finnish Foundation for Media, Communication and Development) and IPS Finland (Inter Press Service News Agency Finland) as an integral part of their project called Kulmakivi (cornerstone, referring to the role of journalism in democracy). The online course was piloted in 2010 and will be organized again in 2011. It is directed at journalism and communication students in higher education institutions in Finland and in Southern partner countries.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrollment by email to sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi. Deadline: 28.2.2011 at 16:00.
4 students will be selected. Priority to the students of journalism and international exchange students. / Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostitse: sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi 28.2.2011 kello 16 menessä. Etusija journalismin opiskelijoilla ja vaihto-opiskelijoilla. Kurssille on 4 paikkaa Tampereen opiskelijoille.

7-Mar-2011 – 31-May-2011
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Journalistic Studies II [Period IV]

Journalism for Social Change (5 ECTS) is an online course initiated by Vikes (The Finnish Foundation for Media, Communication and Development) and IPS Finland (Inter Press Service News Agency Finland) as an integral part of their project called Kulmakivi (cornerstone, referring to the role of journalism in democracy). The online course was piloted in 2010 and will be organized again in 2011. It is directed at journalism and communication students in higher education institutions in Finland and in Southern partner countries.

Enrolment for University Studies

Enrollment by email to sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi. Deadline: 28.2.2011 at 16:00.
4 students will be selected. Priority to the students of journalism and international exchange students. / Ilmoittautumiset sähköpostitse: sanna.k.kivimaki (at) uta.fi 28.2.2011 kello 16 menessä. Etusija journalismin opiskelijoilla ja vaihto-opiskelijoilla. Kurssille on 4 paikkaa Tampereen opiskelijoille.

7-Mar-2011 – 31-May-2011
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
MA in Media Culture and Communication [Period IV]

For further information: see homepage.

Kurssin opintopisteet (5) voi käyttää Journalistiikka 1:n maisteriopintojen kohtaan S3 Projektiopinnot tai S2JB Valinnaiset kurssit. Korvaavuuden saamiseksi ota yhteys kurssin suorittamisen jälkeen Ari Heinoseen (ari.a.heinonen@uta.fi).

Enrolment for University Studies
Enrolment time has expired
14-Mar-2011 – 20-Apr-2011
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English