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Archived teaching schedules 2016–2017
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.
Open university teaching


Period I (29-Aug-2016 – 23-Oct-2016)
Period II (24-Oct-2016 – 16-Dec-2016)
Period III (9-Jan-2017 – 5-Mar-2017)
Period IV (6-Mar-2017 – 28-May-2017)
Period (29-Aug-2016 - 23-Oct-2016)
Health Sciences, Tampere, fall 2016 - spring 2017 [Period I]
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

No contact teaching. Book exams on the HES general Exam days.

It is recommended that the student should first complete the exam on the compulsory literature (Bond et al) that gives 4 ECTS.  If additional literature is completed together with the obligatory literature, the requirement for completion of the whole exam is that the compulsory literature is approved.

Organised as follows

  1. Watching the lecture & answering the questions concerning the lecture. Work needed apr. 1-2 hr. (0.05 ects)
  2. Reading and compiling a lecture diary of the book. Work needed apr. 45 hrs. (1.70 ects)
  3. Essay: Developing mental health services. Work needed apr. 80-88 hrs. (3 ects)
  4. Commentary. Work needed apr. 5 hrs. (0.20 ects)
  5. Reflection. Work needed apr. 1-2 hrs. (0.05 ects)
29-Aug-2016 – 28-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Independent working in the Moodle learning environment. Organized non-stop.

Enrollment: contact university instructor Kirsti Nurmela, e-mail: kirsti.nurmela@uta.fi

For approval all the tasks have to be completed within  six months from the date of enrollment. A delay results in a rejection.

Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

No contact teaching. Book exam on the HES general Exam days, contact person is Lauri Kokkinen lauri.kokkinen@uta.fi

Period (24-Oct-2016 - 16-Dec-2016)
Health Sciences, Tampere, fall 2016 - spring 2017 [Period II]
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

No contact teaching. Book exams on the HES general Exam days.

It is recommended that the student should first complete the exam on the compulsory literature (Bond et al) that gives 4 ECTS.  If additional literature is completed together with the obligatory literature, the requirement for completion of the whole exam is that the compulsory literature is approved.

Organised as follows

  1. Watching the lecture & answering the questions concerning the lecture. Work needed apr. 1-2 hr. (0.05 ects)
  2. Reading and compiling a lecture diary of the book. Work needed apr. 45 hrs. (1.70 ects)
  3. Essay: Developing mental health services. Work needed apr. 80-88 hrs. (3 ects)
  4. Commentary. Work needed apr. 5 hrs. (0.20 ects)
  5. Reflection. Work needed apr. 1-2 hrs. (0.05 ects)
29-Aug-2016 – 28-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Independent working in the Moodle learning environment. Organized non-stop.

Enrollment: contact university instructor Kirsti Nurmela, e-mail: kirsti.nurmela@uta.fi

For approval all the tasks have to be completed within  six months from the date of enrollment. A delay results in a rejection.

Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

No contact teaching. Book exam on the HES general Exam days, contact person is Lauri Kokkinen lauri.kokkinen@uta.fi

Period (9-Jan-2017 - 5-Mar-2017)
Health Sciences, Tampere, fall 2016 - spring 2017 [Period III]
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

No contact teaching. Book exams on the HES general Exam days.

It is recommended that the student should first complete the exam on the compulsory literature (Bond et al) that gives 4 ECTS.  If additional literature is completed together with the obligatory literature, the requirement for completion of the whole exam is that the compulsory literature is approved.

Organised as follows

  1. Watching the lecture & answering the questions concerning the lecture. Work needed apr. 1-2 hr. (0.05 ects)
  2. Reading and compiling a lecture diary of the book. Work needed apr. 45 hrs. (1.70 ects)
  3. Essay: Developing mental health services. Work needed apr. 80-88 hrs. (3 ects)
  4. Commentary. Work needed apr. 5 hrs. (0.20 ects)
  5. Reflection. Work needed apr. 1-2 hrs. (0.05 ects)
29-Aug-2016 – 28-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Independent working in the Moodle learning environment. Organized non-stop.

Enrollment: contact university instructor Kirsti Nurmela, e-mail: kirsti.nurmela@uta.fi

For approval all the tasks have to be completed within  six months from the date of enrollment. A delay results in a rejection.

Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

No contact teaching. Book exam on the HES general Exam days, contact person is Lauri Kokkinen lauri.kokkinen@uta.fi

Period (6-Mar-2017 - 28-May-2017)
Health Sciences, Tampere, fall 2016 - spring 2017 [Period IV]
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

No contact teaching. Book exams on the HES general Exam days.

It is recommended that the student should first complete the exam on the compulsory literature (Bond et al) that gives 4 ECTS.  If additional literature is completed together with the obligatory literature, the requirement for completion of the whole exam is that the compulsory literature is approved.

Organised as follows

  1. Watching the lecture & answering the questions concerning the lecture. Work needed apr. 1-2 hr. (0.05 ects)
  2. Reading and compiling a lecture diary of the book. Work needed apr. 45 hrs. (1.70 ects)
  3. Essay: Developing mental health services. Work needed apr. 80-88 hrs. (3 ects)
  4. Commentary. Work needed apr. 5 hrs. (0.20 ects)
  5. Reflection. Work needed apr. 1-2 hrs. (0.05 ects)
29-Aug-2016 – 28-May-2017
Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

Independent working in the Moodle learning environment. Organized non-stop.

Enrollment: contact university instructor Kirsti Nurmela, e-mail: kirsti.nurmela@uta.fi

For approval all the tasks have to be completed within  six months from the date of enrollment. A delay results in a rejection.

Periods: I II III IV
Language of instruction: English
Further information:

No contact teaching. Book exam on the HES general Exam days, contact person is Lauri Kokkinen lauri.kokkinen@uta.fi