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Archived teaching schedules 2009–2010
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.


Period I (1-Sep-2009 – 16-Oct-2009)
Period II (26-Oct-2009 – 11-Dec-2009)
Period III (7-Jan-2010 – 5-Mar-2010)
Period IV (15-Mar-2010 – 14-May-2010)
Period (1-Sep-2009 - 16-Oct-2009)
Kansainvälinen politiikka [Period I]

Lectures 36 h + exam (3 credit points);
essay seminar 8 h ERS/CBU; Tallinn 8 h; 8 h Jyväskylä; (5 credit points).

Essay seminars are to be held during the II period.


KVPOA4 Wiener - Diez (3 credit points) + Vogt - Maier (2 credit points)

Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: KVPIB8A1 Wiener - Diez (3 credit points) + Vogt - Maier (2 credit points) or VALIB8C1 Hooghe - Marks and Scharpf.

ERS/CBU local studies.


Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (26-Oct-2009 - 11-Dec-2009)
Kansainvälinen politiikka [Period II]

Lectures 36 h + exam (3 credit points);
essay seminar 8 h ERS/CBU; Tallinn 8 h; 8 h Jyväskylä; (5 credit points).

Essay seminars are to be held during the II period.


KVPOA4 Wiener - Diez (3 credit points) + Vogt - Maier (2 credit points)

Bachelor of Social Sciences programme: KVPIB8A1 Wiener - Diez (3 credit points) + Vogt - Maier (2 credit points) or VALIB8C1 Hooghe - Marks and Scharpf.

ERS/CBU local studies.


Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (7-Jan-2010 - 5-Mar-2010)
Kansainvälinen politiikka [Period III]


International Relations:
KVPOA4 Vogt-Mayer/Laidi or KVPOS3 Prozorov/Scott (2 credit points) or at Master's level also Bicchi (3 credit points).

Political Science:
Only lecture compensates VALTA5 Tiihonen's book (2 cr pts) or VALTS2F Bisleys's book (3 cr pts).
Lecture and seminar together compensates VALTS2F Bisley and Patomäki - Teivainen.

Opening lecture (AALTO), 2-8 h visiting lecturers and seminar 6 h.

Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Hallintotiede [Period III]

Available also for exchange students. For further information see the homepage: http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/jola/opiskelu/studies.php

Registration by sending email to Jaana Haatainen (jaana.haatainen@uta.fi) at the latest Jan 20th.

27-Jan-2010 – 16-Feb-2010
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Sosiaalipolitiikka [Period III]

Nordic Welfare Societies in Transition

The aim of the course is that students recognise the features that have commonly been linked with the idea of a Nordic welfare model and Nordic welfare state. In addition students will learn about differences amongst the Nordic welfare states and some changes that they have undergone.

The course covers 3 ECTS from social policy either from the A3A2 or S21. There will be various lecturers during the course. To pass the course active participation is required during the lectures and students need to write a 3 page paper on a certain research question (questions will be formulated during the course). Papers will be discussed jointly during the last session of the course.

Half of the each session will contain a lecture and another half will be dedicated to discussions and/or group work. Lectures take place on Thursdays from 9-12 at Linna 6017 beginning on 14th Jan 2010.

The course is coordinated by Minna Zechner (minna.zechner@uta.fi).

Following timetable is tentative, times are correct but the lecture themes may still change a bit, mainly amongst one another.

  1. 14.01 Minna Zechner: Practicalities of the course, Brief introduction to the different welfare states in Europe, group work to formulate research questions
  2. 21.01 Anneli Anttonen: Nordic welfare model and universalism
  3. 28.01 Jouko Nätti: Labour markets and employment in the Nordic countries
  4. 04.02 Minna Zechner: Nordic elder care policies
  5. 11.02 Tapio Rissanen: Gender, work and equality in the Nordic countries
  6. 18.02 Liisa Häikiö: Nordic citizenship 
  7. 25.02 Katja Repo: Nordic child care policies
  8. 04.03 Laura Huttunen: Migrants and migration
  9. 11.03 Week 10 is the period break when there is no teaching. Students have time to write papers!
  10. 18.03 Minna Zechner: Discussion based on students? papers and feedback on the course.


Enrolment for University Studies

No need to sign up in advance.

14-Jan-2010 – 11-Mar-2010
Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Aluetiede [Period III]

Lectures; Fridays 10-13, Room A2B Main building, 26.2. Room C8 Main building (KARPPI). First lecture 15.1.

Periods: III
Language of instruction: English
Period (15-Mar-2010 - 14-May-2010)
Kansainvälinen politiikka [Period IV]


International Relations:
KVPOA4 Vogt-Mayer/Laidi or KVPOS3 Prozorov/Scott (2 credit points) or at Master's level also Bicchi (3 credit points).

Political Science:
Only lecture compensates VALTA5 Tiihonen's book (2 cr pts) or VALTS2F Bisleys's book (3 cr pts).
Lecture and seminar together compensates VALTS2F Bisley and Patomäki - Teivainen.

Opening lecture (AALTO), 2-8 h visiting lecturers and seminar 6 h.

Periods: III IV
Language of instruction: English
Valtio-oppi [Period IV]

Lecture and seminar.

Pre-registration, see the information on the notice board and the home page of the department.


Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English
Julkisoikeus [Period IV]

Opetus on yhteistä avoimen yliopiston kanssa.

Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English