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Archived teaching schedules 2009–2010
You are browsing archived teaching schedule. Current teaching schedules can be found here.


Period I (1-Sep-2009 – 16-Oct-2009)
Period II (26-Oct-2009 – 11-Dec-2009)
Period IV (15-Mar-2010 – 14-May-2010)
Period (1-Sep-2009 - 16-Oct-2009)
Subject Studies [Period I]

American global mission to spread civilization has a long, well known history. World history research is also one of the top subjects in American universities, why?

Liittyy teemaan Globalisaatio.

Korvaa myƶs A2 ja Nam.

4-Sep-2009 – 16-Oct-2009
Periods: I
Language of instruction: English

This is guest lecture series designed to give students an overview of important issues in today's world, presented by experts. Particular themes addressed in the course include foreign policy, the environment, the economy, the welfare state, China, the US and the European Union. Students are expected to attend the course, participate in discussions and to write a lecture diary on each of the lectures (max 10 pages)

24-Sep-2009 – 10-Dec-2009
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (26-Oct-2009 - 11-Dec-2009)
Subject Studies [Period II]

This is guest lecture series designed to give students an overview of important issues in today's world, presented by experts. Particular themes addressed in the course include foreign policy, the environment, the economy, the welfare state, China, the US and the European Union. Students are expected to attend the course, participate in discussions and to write a lecture diary on each of the lectures (max 10 pages)

24-Sep-2009 – 10-Dec-2009
Periods: I II
Language of instruction: English
Period (15-Mar-2010 - 14-May-2010)
Subject Studies [Period IV]
15-Apr-2010 – 11-May-2010
Periods: IV
Language of instruction: English